There are more than 400,000 pharmacy technicians working in the United States and the number is only going up! The demand for pharmacy techs is driven by the growth in population, greater access to healthcare, and our aging population. This role is ideal for those interested in the medical industry as a whole.

So, what do pharmacy technicians do? Tune in!

In this episode, we share a basic overview of the many duties of a pharmacy technician. This includes their vital attention to detail and role in distributing medications to handling scripts from doctors and other medical professionals. You'll also learn how they provide an essential final check before meds reach patients by way of error checking and reporting.

Are you interested in a career as a pharmacy technician? If so, then be sure to visit our site and learn from our in-depth guides. Then explore classes and courses in the medical industry that will have you fill this role!


Pharmacy Technician courses in Fairfield and Sacramento California:

5253 Business Center Drive, Suite B
Fairfield, CA 94534

9738 Lincoln Village Dr. Suite 120
Sacramento, CA 95827
Phone: 916-714-5400