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Your Call

902 episodes - English - Latest episode: 7 days ago - ★★★★★ - 59 ratings

KALW's call-in show: Politics and culture, dialogue and debate.

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One Planet: US Plastic Pollution Is Choking The World's Oceans

November 23, 2020 09:39 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s One Planet Series, we are discussing plastic pollution and its impacts on ocean marine life. The US, the world’s largest generator of plastic waste, produced 42 million metric tons of the plastic in 2016. Globally, 100,000 marine mammals die every year as a result of plastic pollution.

Media Roundtable: The GOP’s Post-Election Voter Supression Tactics & FRONTLINE's “American Voices"

November 20, 2020 08:21 - 51 minutes - 3.04 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s Media Roundtable, we're discussing Donald Trump and the GOP’s dangerous attack on election integrity. Mother Jones reporter Ari Berman reports that the ultimate plan is to make it even harder to vote, especially in communities of color.

Indigenous Communities Turned Out In Record Numbers In Key States For Biden

November 19, 2020 09:00 - 51 minutes - 3.04 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we're speaking with Indigenous activists about this election’s historic Native voter turnout.

Can The Biden Administration Deliver Or Will Trumpism Return In 2024?

November 17, 2020 09:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, w e’re speaking with Thomas Frank about the current state of the Democratic Party and why Joe Biden didn’t win the election by a landslide.

Media Roundtable: Europe's Second COVID Wave & Trump's Refusal To Concede

November 13, 2020 10:01 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s Media Roundtable, we're discussing the COVID surge in Europe. Countries such as England, Italy and Greece have announced new restrictions. We'll also find out how Europe is responding to the US election.

How Black Voters Organized And Overdelivered A Win For Joe Biden

November 12, 2020 16:15 - 51 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re discussing this election’s historic Black voter turnout with activists in Georgia and Wisconsin.

Latinos Were Pivotal For Biden In Key States, Thanks To Grassroots Organizing

November 11, 2020 16:09 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re discussing the record Latino voter turnout in this election. M ore than 19 million eligible Latino voters voted this year, according to early estimates.

What Do The Election Results Reveal About The State Of The Country?

November 09, 2020 16:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we're discussing what the election results reveal about the state of the country. On Saturday, Joseph Biden was elected the 46th president of the United States, but he didn't win by a landslide like many expected. Biden currently has over 75 million votes and Donald Trump has over 71 million.

Media Roundtable: Joe Biden Is One The Verge Of Winning With Leads in Battleground States

November 06, 2020 07:48 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s media roundtable, we're discussing Joe Biden's lead in key states like Nevada and Pennsylvania. He is on the verge of winning, according to the latest numbers.

Thin Margins Separate Biden & Trump -- How Did Trump Manage To Get So Many Votes?

November 05, 2020 09:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we're getting an update on the election results. While Joe Biden has broken the record for the most votes ever received by a presidential candidate: more than 72 million and counting , many wonder how Donald Trump managed to get more than 68 million votes, more than he got in 2016.

In A Tight Race, Where Do Election Results Stand As Votes Are Still Being Counted?

November 04, 2020 15:13 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re discussing Election Day results. It’s still too early to call a winner as states continue to count incoming mail-in ballots. While Trump has falsely claimed a victory, Biden is ahead in electoral votes.

Election Day 2020: Voter Turnout Surpasses 100 Million Despite Efforts To Suppress The Vote

November 03, 2020 09:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we get the latest on efforts to suppress the vote in the 2020 election. In Texas, the state’s Supreme Court denied Republicans’ petition to toss out almost 127,000 votes cast in drive-through polling places.

One Planet: What Impact Will The US Election Have On A Warming Planet?

November 02, 2020 09:18 - 52 minutes - 3.06 KB

On this edition of Your Call's One Planet Series, just a day before the election, we are discussing what’s at stake for the climate. Over the past four years, the Trump administration has launched a war on science and climate scientists.

The GOP's Quest For Minority Rule, Massive Turnout In TX & The COVID Surge In El Paso

October 30, 2020 08:32 - 51 minutes - 3.04 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s Media Roundtable, we're discussing the Republican Party’s plot for permanent minority rule. Over the past few decades, they've successfully gerrymandered districts across the country, giving Republicans victories even though Democrats receive more votes. They've also passed voter suppression laws, including voter ID requirements, mass purges of voting rolls, and polling place closures.

An Update On GOP Efforts To Suppress The Vote As Record Turnout Continues

October 29, 2020 08:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we're getting an update on early voting, problems at the polls and Republican sponsored voter suppression. Nearly 79 million people have already voted, but experts estimate that one to two percent of absentee ballots could be rejected.

How Did We End Up With Minority Rule? Where Do We Go From Here?

October 28, 2020 08:00 - 51 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re speaking with award-winning historian Nancy MacLean about minority rule. In her book, Democracy in Chains , she explores how billionaires like the Koch brothers have shaped the US judicial system.

Republicans Confirm Amy Coney Barrett Before The Election. How Should Democrats Respond?

October 27, 2020 08:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re discussing the Supreme Court confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, a 48-year-old conservative appeals court judge. After Democrats unsuccessfully tried to filibuster the nomination, Republicans only needed 52 votes to confirm her.

One Planet: How Fishing Fleets Threaten A Natural Wonder In The Galápagos Islands

October 26, 2020 15:35 - 51 minutes - 3.04 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s One Planet Series, we're speaking with Los Angeles Times investigative reporter Susanne Rust about Ecuador's Galapagos Islands, one of the richest marine ecosystems in the world.

Frontline Investigates Whose Vote Counts - Why Is McConnell Blocking The Relief Bill?

October 23, 2020 07:43 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s Media Roundtable, we're discussing the new Frontline documentary Whose Vote Counts , which investigates Republican efforts to suppress the vote, from the past to the present. At least 47 million people have already voted. Whose vote counts? And whose doesn't?

The Future Of Reproductive Rights With A 6-3 Conservative Majority

October 22, 2020 08:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re discussing th e future of abortion rights. If Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed to the Supreme Court, the Center for Reproductive Rights says it is feasible that the protections Roe provides for safe abortion care could be weakened or overturned.

Supreme Inequality: The Supreme Court's 50-Year Battle For A More Unjust America

October 21, 2020 08:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re speaking with Adam Cohen, author of Supreme Inequality: The Supreme Court's Fifty-Year Battle For A More Unjust America . He argues that over the last 50 years, the Supreme Court has done little to protect the rights of the poor and disadvantaged. Instead, it has ruled to protect the privileged and corporations.

Record Early Voter Turnout Despite Long Lines, Limited Dropboxes & Fewer Polling Places

October 20, 2020 08:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re discussing record early voter turnout. Nearly 34 million Americans have already voted , compared to just 1.4 million at this time in 2016.

One Planet: The Race To Save North Atlantic Right Whales From Extinction

October 19, 2020 16:00 - 51 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s One Planet Series, Pulitzer Prize-winning environmental reporter David Abel discusses his new documentary Entangled . The film chronicles efforts to protect North Atlantic right whales from extinction and the impacts of those efforts on the lobster industry.

Media Roundtable: The Impacts Of Repealing The ACA & CA Prison Labor Continues During The Pandemic

October 16, 2020 14:35 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s Media Roundtable, we're discussing the impacts of repealing the Affordable Care Act on tens of millions of Americans, especially low-income populations.

California Bail Referendum-Prop 25, Stem Cell Research-Prop 14 & Affirmative Action-Prop 16

October 15, 2020 16:07 - 51 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s special election series, we are discussing California Propositions 25, 14 and 16.

Will Democrats Take Back The US Senate?

October 15, 2020 15:13 - 51 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re discussing high stakes US Senate races. Even if Joe Biden wins the election, Democrats won’t be able to pass major legislation unless they control the Senate.

CA NAACP Leader's Ties With Corporate Prop Campaigns & CA Prop 17-Parolee Voting Rights

October 14, 2020 16:36 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s special election series, we are talking about NAACP California leader Alice Huffman whose consulting firm AC Public Affairs has been paid more than $1.2 million by campaigns funded by corporate proposition campaigns including commercial property owners fighting the tax increase, corporate landlords opposed to expanding rent control and bail bondsmen who want to keep the cash bail system, according to CalMatters.

COVID Cases Are Rising & The Relief Bill Is Stalled. Should Dems Accept The GOP Bill?

October 14, 2020 08:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’ll discuss COVID's fall surge. According to the Covid Tracking Project , the US is averaging 48,000 new cases a day, the highest numbers since mid-August.

What Do You Want To Know About CA Propositions 19 & 21?

October 13, 2020 16:28 - 53 minutes - 3.11 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s special election series, we're discussing California's Proposition 21. According to Ballotpedia, the Local Rent Control Initiative will allow local governments to enact rent control on housing that was first occupied over 15 years ago.

Media Roundtable: The GOP's Campaign To Suppress The Vote & America's Older Homeless Population

October 09, 2020 05:25 - 53 minutes - 3.11 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s media roundtable, we are discussing coverage of early voting and voter suppression. So far, more than 5.6 million people have voted early. How are the media covering the Republican Party’s strategy to suppress the vote?

A Debate On CA Prop 22 & The Future Of Gig Worker Pay & Benefits

October 08, 2020 15:54 - 53 minutes - 3.11 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s special election series, we're hosting a debate about Proposition 22, a ballot measure that would define California's app-based drivers as independent contractors, not employees.

The First And Only Vice Presidential Debate -- We'll Discuss The Issues

October 08, 2020 08:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re getting your take on the first and only vice presidential debate.

White House, Inc.: How Donald Trump Turned The Presidency Into A Business

October 07, 2020 08:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re speaking with Forbes senior editor, Dan Alexander , about his new book White House, Inc.: How Donald Trump Turned the Presidency Into a Business .

What Do You Want To Know About Voting In CA & SF Ballot Measures?

October 07, 2020 04:12 - 52 minutes - 3.08 KB

On this special election edition of Your Call, we're speaking with Kim Alexander, president of the nonpartisan California Voter Foundation, about how Californians will be voting during the COVID-19 pandemic. What questions do you have?

Four Decades After Prop 13 Slashed Property Taxes, Prop 15 Could Change The Rules

October 06, 2020 08:00 - 51 minutes - 3.04 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re discussing The First Angry Man , a documentary about anti-tax crusader Howard Jarvis and the history of California’s Proposition 13, which cut property taxes and funding for schools.

Senator Scott Wiener & Jackie Fielder CA State Senate Race

October 06, 2020 06:42 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this special election edition of Your Call, we’re discussing the 11 th State Senate district race between incumbent state Senator Scott Wiener and Jackie Fielder. The district includes all of San Francisco, part of South San Francisco, Daly City, Broadmoor, and Colma. We’ll begin by discussing Senator Wiener’s record as a state Senator and a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. He declined today's invitation. Later in the show, Jackie Fielder will tell us why she’s running and...

One Planet: Young Activists Fighting For Social And Environmental Justice

October 05, 2020 04:46 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s One Planet Series, we're speaking with three of this year’s Brower Youth Award winners. Every year, the awards honor young leaders for their accomplishments in the environmental movement.

Media Roundtable: What Trump’s Taxes Tell Us About The US Tax Code & FRONTLINE’s "The Choice 2020"

October 02, 2020 06:20 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s media roundtable, we're talking about the explosive New York Times report revealing Donald Trump paid no federal income taxes in 10 of the last 15 years and paid only $750 in 2016 and 2017. How did he get away with this?

What Is The Biden Campaign Doing To Get Out The Latino Vote?

October 01, 2020 08:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re getting an update on what the Biden campaign is doing to secure the Latino vote. This year, 32 million Latinos are eligible to vote, which will make up the largest non-white voting bloc in US history.

At Last Night's Debate, Trump Refused To Condemn White Supremacists & Lied About Mail-In Ballots

September 30, 2020 08:00 - 31 minutes - 1.87 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re getting your take on last night's chaotic presidential debate. Donald Trump interrupted Joe Biden nearly every time he spoke and changed the subject or dodged questions about actual issues, including COVID and the 206,000 people who've lost their lives.

Wildfires Continue To Devastate Northern California -- What Will It Take To Change Policies?

September 30, 2020 08:00 - 20 minutes - 1.18 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we're getting an update on the ongoing wildfires in Northern California. We're now approaching a record four million acres burned this year and fire season is not over.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Legacy & What's At Stake If Amy Coney Barrett Is Confirmed

September 29, 2020 14:56 - 51 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re discussing the future of the US Supreme Court since the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whose last wish was not to be replaced until a new presidential term, according to her granddaughter.

One Planet: The Trump Administration's Environmental Rollbacks

September 28, 2020 08:33 - 51 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s One Planet Series, we're discussing the Trump administration’s actions to weaken or dismantle environmental regulations that are meant to protect the environment, public health and curb greenhouse gases.

Separated: Inside An American Tragedy

September 24, 2020 08:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re rebroadcasting our conversation with NBC/MSNBC correspondent Jacob Soboroff about his new book, Separated: Inside an American Tragedy . In 2018, Soboroff exposed the living conditions of 1,500 children who were being held at Casa Padre, a former Walmart, in South Texas.

Flint Residents Say $600M Water Crisis Settlement Is Just One Step Towards Justice

September 23, 2020 08:00 - 51 minutes - 3.04 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we're rebroadcasting our conversation with activists in Flint, Michigan about the recent $600 million water crisis settlement. Nearly 80 percent of the funds will be distributed to those who were children during the 2014 and 2015 crisis.

How The Climate Crisis Affects Our Understanding Of Human History

September 22, 2020 06:02 - 50 minutes - 2.97 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we're rebroadcasting our conversation with award winning journalist Ben Ehrenreich, author of Desert Notebooks: A Road Map for the End of Time . He examines how the unprecedented pace of destruction to the planet has led us to the brink of calamity.

One Planet: Lessons From The Paradise Camp Fire

September 21, 2020 05:44 - 51 minutes - 3.04 KB

On this edition of Your Call’s One Planet Series, we're are rebroadcasting our conversation with journalists Alastair Gee and Dani Anguiano, co-authors of Fire in Paradise: An American Tragedy .

Media Roundtable: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, And The White Nationalist Agenda

September 18, 2020 04:23 - 52 minutes - 3.06 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we're rebroadcasting our conversation with investigative journalist Jean Guerrero, author of Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, and the White Nationalist Agenda .

What Factors Contribute To Deadly Wildfires & How Should They Be Managed?

September 17, 2020 08:00 - 52 minutes - 3.05 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re discussing the factors that are contributing to wildfires across the West. More than five million acres have already burned in California, Oregon and Washington.

How Are Latino Activists Getting Out The Vote?

September 16, 2020 08:00 - 47 minutes - 2.81 KB

On this edition of Your Call, we’re discussing how Latino activists are getting out the vote. This year, a record 32 million Latinos living in the US will be eligible to vote, many for the first time.


The Secret History
1 Episode