Have you ever heard of Harvey Coleman’s model? He basically found out that there are 3 main factors that contribute to career success. These 3 factors are: performance, image and visibility. Now you might think, all 3 components are equally important but no - this couldn’t be further away from the truth. His research showed that only 10% of your success is attributed to your performance, meaning how good you’re at what you’re doing. 30% comes down to the image you have aka the perception others have about you and a whopping 60% comes down to visibility, meaning: are you visible to the right people for the right reasons?   When I stumbled across his research, I was gobsmacked but at the same time, it explained a lot. What it means in essence is that you can be the best at what you do and still don’t get the recognition and reward for it if others don’t know about it.   This is why this week’s episode is all about increasing visibility, depending on where you’re in the journey of being the best kept secret to being the trusted authority. I’ll also link to the process as I explain it in detail in and also where I discuss the path if you prefer the audio version.   ___________ Want to become the Trusted Authority in your field by building and monetising your expertise? Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Get your copy of my - Trusted Authority - From Technical Expert To Trusted Authority    2.) Watch my brand new 33min training: 3.) Book your complimentary 4.) Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at