Whether you’re in a corporate role, you’re running your own business but are kind of stuck with trading time for money and or you want to build a portfolio career with multiple incomes from multiple engagements – this little mini-training series is for you as I walk you through exactly how you can build and monetise your authority. Over the next 3 parts, I cover: What monetising expertise actually means and what kind of expertise can be monetised. We will also discuss how to find your sweet spot (no matter whether you are and maybe even want to stay a corporate employee or you want to establish more income streams to your business without you adding more work for yourself) -   How you can turn your expertise into income / business model / portfolio career (also when you’re fulltime employed) -   Part 3: Visibility tools, techniques and tactics to get you in front of the right audience so you can monetise your expertise Doors are open to the  program, a 12-weeks intense cohort where you will learn how you can go from the technical expert in your company to the trusted authority in your industry. We kick off in w/c/ 4/5/2022! Join before April 17th 2022, and get access to a bonus content creation workshop (on the 19th April). More details Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at