What does data storytelling and PB have in common you may wonder? Well- short answer: A LOT.   And in this interview you’ll learn how you can create visibility for yourself using data the right way, how to leverage data to start and join conversations that you otherwise wouldn’t have been part of and how it might fast-track your career journey to a leadership role.   We are joined by who I’ve known for years and call a dear friend. Her insights on all this data visualisation and data storytelling.    Workshop with Kate as guest facilitator (17th May 2022 - recording available): ___________ Want to build and monetise your Personal Brand, become the Trusted Authority in your field and level up your Career?    Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources:   1.) Join our monthly to address any challenges or ask any burning questions on all things branding, marketing, content and career.   2.) Download the free Guide to learn 5 practical strategies on how to    3.) Book your complimentary   4.) Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at