We live in a busy and noisy world with shorter attentions spans and more competition than ever before.   The only way to void blending in the sea of sameness is through working on being cut-through with your communication.   So how do you do it? There are 3 main ingredients that are required to get your message across, no matter if that’s in a meeting, in an email, through a social media post, in a conversation or through an actual presentation are: Clarity Brevity Empathy   Today we’re joined by someone who combines the worlds of art, communication and creativity to develop highly engaging and compelling visuals.  is an artist, communicator and creative. The collision of the 3 words has developed into a small business (Comms Nerd) and she now runs creative workshops, helping consultants and businesses share their messages visually and providing a professional and creative approach to consulting in comms and marketing.  Jade has over 17 years experience in marketing, communications and graphic design, while also maintaining a regular fine art practice.  She gets excited at the chance to impart creativity and inspiration and encourages others in their own exploration of expression.     ___________ Want to build and monetise your Personal Brand, become the Trusted Authority in your field and level up your Career?    Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources:   1.) Join our monthly to address any challenges or ask any burning questions on all things branding, marketing, content and career.   2.) Download the free Guide to learn 5 practical strategies on how to    3.) Book your complimentary   4.) Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at