🎉 THANK YOU!   Chances are that you have gone through more changes and transitions in the last 12 months than in most other years before.   Covid has forced most of us to rethink the way we work, communicate and live.   And to be honest: I think this is only the beginning and we haven’t seen the full extend of the permanent changes yet and what they means related to the future of work   The one thing that’s for sure is this: the only constant is change and being able to navigate through those transitions and recognising the mental stages we have to go through every time we leave something or someone, may it be on our terms or not, is key to thrive in this fast changing world of work.   One of the biggest challenges my clients face when they go through my program trusted Authority which is very much an initiated and pro-active change is their limiting beliefs and doubts. There is always this nagging voice that makes us question if we are ‘ready and qualified enough for it’.   Truth told: it never goes away and when you reach new levels, you also reach new devils. To go through any transition means we are entering something unknown and our brains aren’t wired to be happy. They are wired to keep us safe and in the known. However, today’s episode will challenge this thinking and acting small approach as we are joined by someone who’s experienced a diversity of personal and professional transitions over the course of his life, including multiple international relocations and redirections of career path: Neville Starick In this episode, we cover: what transitions mean (and why it is so important to be able to navigate through them) ways to manage emotions (the right way) how to deal with uncertainty and the unknown what holds us back and keeps us playing small   Neville has experienced a diversity of personal and professional transitions over the course of his life, including multiple international relocations and redirections of career path. These life experiences have not only developed a breadth of knowledge and a wide skill-set but has also given him a unique perspective into the process of change, all of which contributes to his therapeutic practice and his support of others personally and professionally. Neville specialises in coming alongside professionals to prepare for and to successfully navigate through significant life change.      Connect with   Download your COMPLIMENTARY Guide: