If you thought personal branding was just a vanity metric activity, think again, because today's podcast episode is a mini masterclass in the financial side of investing in your brand. Get ready to uncover the equations, formulas, and frameworks that demonstrate the tangible value of investing in your personal brand.    In detail, we cover the following metrics:   🧮. Return on Personal Branding Investment (ROIPBI): This formula calculates the financial return generated by your personal branding efforts relative to the resources invested.   ROIPBI = (Revenue Generated from Personal Branding - Investment in Personal Branding) / Investment in Personal Branding   🧮. Personal Brand Value Proposition (PBVP): This formula measures the potential Brand Value by combining your expertise and unique selling proposition with market demand, aka: the potential of creating an economy of one by tapping into your unique expertise coupled with trends in the industry.   PBVP = (Expertise + Unique Selling Proposition) * Market Demand     🧮. P²C = This formula measures the potential profitability through building a portfolio career with multiple income streams based on your unique systemised and packaged IP into a Signature Framework/ Solutionlutions with various Monetization Strategies.   P²C = (Customised Expertise + Packaged Solutions) * Monetisation Strategies ___________ Want to become the Trusted Authority in your field by building and monetising your expertise?  Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Get your copy of my - Trusted Authority - From Technical Expert To Trusted Authority    2.) Check out the *brand new* 32-min on-demand masterclass: 3.) Get your personalised Authority Score with the free Scorecard: 4.) Book your complimentary 5.) Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at