Whether you’re already a seasoned speaker, may it be paid or unpaid and want to take it up a notch to get bigger engagements or more of a regular event or you want to explore the world of professional public speaking further, this episode is a special treat for you as we’re covering the marketing assets, systems and processes you need to leverage public speaking to build and boost your personal brand. It’s a LinkedIn Like session that Veronica Llorca-Smith and I did a few weeks ago. If you haven’t been following me on LinkedIn, you may not know that Veronica and I have been hosting weekly Live’s since January and every week, we get more traction by the week so hopefully you will join us at an upcoming event live! Assets, Systems and Processes we discuss: Personal Brand Style Guide Media Kit Speaker Kit Research Tools for upcoming events, podcasts and conferences Outreach Messages Tracker for Outreach Messages    ___________ Want to become the Trusted Authority in your field by building and monetising your expertise?  Here are a few ways you can get started with my resources: 1.) Get your copy of my - Trusted Authority - From Technical Expert To Trusted Authority    2.) Watch my brand new 33min training: 3.) Book your complimentary 4.) Connect with Check out all show notes and further resources over at