The expression, “money makes the world go round” has a lot more meaning to it when you realize that over 2,300 scriptures in the Bible are about money. In fact, there are more scriptures about money in the Bible than faith & prayer combined.

Join us today as special guest Darryl Lyons shares what God was calling him to do with his money. Get a practical and Biblical approach to finances from a man of God and Certified Financial Planner.

We discuss money habits & strong holds that maybe keeping you stuck financially.
What does trust in God have to do with your money?
What is the doorway to trusting God?
Is your thought life of money moving you forward or holding you back?
“Bearing much fruit” John 15:4-8
Darryl’s book, “Small Business Big Pressure.”
Darryl’s Financial Services Company, “Pax Financial.”