Today, in episode 22, we are going to look at one thing, now granted this one thing has many parts, but this one thing…“will make your marriage divorce proof.”

I know that’s a bold claim…..

But I’m not done.

This one thing will take a stale marriage and revive it…

And a broken marriage and fix it!

Stay tuned because this episode will bless your marriage!

– What is a 50%-50% marriage

– What is a covenant marriage

– The 2 amazing parallels with: your spiritual walk & Marriage.

– The key to your relationship in Christ.

– The key to your relationship with your sposue.

– John 3:29, “ He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. So this joy of mine has been made full.

Ephesians 5 

Kerry Oberbrunner Podcast, “Igniting Souls”

James 2:14-26

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