Today I'm chatting to Executive Director, Executive Coach, Leader and Strengths Expert, Justin Clarke.

What do we mean when we talk about our strengths?

It's all to do with who are you and what makes you tick.

Did you know that statistically, there is no one else in Australia who has the same top five strengths as you do?  This makes your unique set of talents pretty special.

Tune in to learn:

- Whether there are certain types of people who are more likely to succeed than others?

- Do all CEO's and multi-millionaires have the same or similar strengths? 

- How can we enable our strengths and leverage our individual talents to succeed? 

- How can you use knowledge of individual strengths to build a dream team for your business?


About Justin

Executive Coach (Coaching Australia)

Executive Coach (LCP Global)

Gallup Strengths Coach

MBA and MSc in Strategic Focus

Australian Institute of Company Directors Graduate

Justin is a highly experienced Manager, Leader and Executive Coach with 30 years international Client and Supply-side experience. 

"As a current Executive Director, I have deep insights into the challenges facing professionals at multiple organisation levels, from associates through to C-suite. As an Executive Coach, I seek to leverage this knowledge and my deep Strengths to enable the potential and success of those I work with - transforming people and organizations from being good to being great.

With a natural strategic orientation, I am passionate about helping my clients to deeply understand their unique talents and value; to leverage this self-awareness to define aligned outcomes; and to put in place effective implementation plans, to enable their attainment.

The most successful people know who they are and intentionally use what they have to achieve the things they want to achieve”

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Find out more about Strengths testing