Working with your partner - total dream team …. or your worst nightmare?

The lovely Jo Violeta from Violeta Finance joins me on the Your Biz Podcast to chat about the ups and downs of going into business with your beau.

We talk about

➡️  Keeping relationship issues out of the office

➡️  Using each other’s unique skills to get the best results

➡️  Adapting to challenging times in business (hello 2020)

➡️  Deciding who will take the lead

Jo also shares some practical tips on running a successful business with your partner and some funny personal stories from her own entrepreneurial journey.  

This episode is absolutely perfect for anyone who is currently in business with their partner or thinking about taking the deep dive into a family-run biz ......

…….. or maybe you’re just curious about what it’s really like for couples who work together.

Either way, you're going to LOVE this episode.