Introvert? Workaholic? This one's for you.

On surviving the humans when you work from home: If you work from home, you need your solo time. If you also identify as an introvert, even more so. That’s ok. If you have someone there, invading your zen, it’s ok not to like it. It doesn’t mean you’re a terrible person or that you don’t love them. Figuring out a new routine that factors in another person is HARD. As with your clients, you’ve got to have rock solid boundaries with the people you love. This isn’t a hobby, it’s a business you’re building. Yes, that might lead to some difficult conversations, but what’s the alternative? Compromising progress on your goals? Slowing down your business so that someone else feels free to be noisy? On creating more joy in your life and business: We all work so hard to create a life we love, so if you’re not loving it, it’s time to take action. Idea #1: I’m going to create a mammoth list of all the things that have ever brought me joy or made me feel happy, or enthusiastic, or excited about life (big or small) and then I’m simply going to start working through them. Who knows? I might just be able to bring back a bit of that magic… Idea #2: Buy a paper diary or calendar for 2019 and book in the things that fuel you. Think holidays and self-care days. Think personal development time and planning sessions. Think events you’ve always wanted to go to and a treat each month to make all the work-work-work worth it. --------------------

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