Streamline your systems and get yo'self set up for business greatness!

The key takeaways:

When we start a business, it feels like our baby. It’s something that we’ve nurtured and cared for, something we’ve protected fiercely, and it can feel scary to put it into someone else’s hands. But if you want both of your to flourish and grow, it’s got to be done!

Track what you’re doing each week, and how much time you’re spending on all of these tasks… is that really (objectively) how you should be spending your time and energy?

When faced with shiny new tools, be discerning. Do you actually need it? WIll you be using it to its full extent? Eliminate all the tools you can’t get into or are only half using. You’ll instantly feel a lot clearer.

Stop feeling ashamed every time you need to ask for help.


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