Schedule your way to content planning success!


The key takeaways:

Google Docs win for content planning ease. You don’t have to train anyone to use it, and you don’t end up with a bunch of revisions flying around the place.

There’s no right way to plan out your content. Lea like doing it a week at a time. I like doing it once every 90 days. You’ve got to make that bad boy work for YOU.

Don’t eat into your own time so much that you haven’t actually got the energy to do your client work when you’ve scheduled it because that can also be an epic fail in terms of how you maintain your creativity. You need to schedule in time and whitespace so that your whole life isn’t being eaten up by work otherwise, you’ll fall into the procrastination trap or end up hating what you’re doing.

Tips for coming up with brilliant content ideas: If inspiration strikes, note it down in your phone with a bit of detail, including any connections that come to mind, rather than just a jumble of notes. Listen to podcasts and respond to the topics covered by your faves. National days provide massive inspiration – you’ll find a whole round-up of RELEVANT national days in Lea’s series of content planners. --------------------

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