Our delightful Guest today on our Podcast is Jenny, who was born in Ashburton New Zealand, lived a fairly ordinary life until her health took a turn for the worse towards the end of 1999. This decline resulted in her becoming bedridden and struggling with suicidal thoughts. She is married and has two grown-up sons.
Then one night in desperation she cried out “I can not do this anymore – please help me”. She did not know it then but that was the turning point in her life.
Jenny was further “tested” when she was diagnosed with Stage 3C ovarian cancer in December 2012. Of course, like anyone else who is diagnosed with cancer, I was afraid: well, that wasn’t altogether true, I was petrified. Fear being my constant companion as I shook like a leaf from sun up to sun down – until one morning, 10 days following my diagnosis, I woke to a knowing that I was healed. One sentence. That’s all it took. One sentence and my body shut down. Immediately. Entirely. “I’m so sorry, you have incurable ovarian cancer”. I didn’t hear another word the doctor said. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t walk. I sat motionless with one thought in my head. I am going to die.
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