"I don't have a choice whether or not I have Parkinson's but surrounding that non-choice is a million other choices I can make", Michael J Fox

Our interview today with Dr George Ackerman who loves to bring attention to this devastating disease such as Parkinson's. I can hardly wait!

Mom’s Story: Sharon Riff Ackerman- mother, sister, and grandmother!

Born 9/28/50- Passed on 1/1/2020 due to Parkinson’s disease. Sharon Riff Ackerman lived with Parkinson’s for decades, but it started to affect her daily activities in 2014. Up until then she was able to spend her favorite day of the week, Sunday, with us in the backyard, blowing bubbles with her grand kids, eating the best meals we could find, but only after a lively debate over where and what she wanted to eat. I miss those funny arguments. He did not plan for her funeral to come so sudden and was sick over the whole nightmare his mother suffered through the final 7 months of her life, which I kept a journal about never sharing with anyone until now


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