#injury #corporatejob #corporateworld #career #climbingtothetop #entrepreneur #smallbusiness

"Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you!", Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos

Our interview today with Kristina Lucia is an artist, creator, and author who ignites the imaginations

of children and their parents through her limited edition animals and

touching storybooks.

After an injury forced her to reconsider her 100-mile-an-hour corporate

career, Kristina realized her true path: to be the artist she was meant to be. Let's take you down a road of things to consider, life-changing events, and different pathways to success!

Kristina Lucia Andrews

Curious Creator

Curiously Curated Creations of Kristina Lucia   https://cccokl.com/

(347) 633-3669     [email protected]

Website- Facebook -Instagram -Pinterest 

TALKING TABOO WITH TINA PODCAST is brought to you from YOUR BACKUP PLAN.  YOUR BACKUP PLAN APP puts your life in 1-place in preparation of any unpredictable circumstance while taking the painful aftermath out of any tragedy!  Whether you are a senior, retired, single, or have a family you will want to get this APP for yourself to be more organized! www.yourbackupplan.ca



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