Peter Doell is a recording and mastering engineer. He has worked with artists such as Miles Davis, Toto and The Beach Boys. He used to be a staff engineer at Capitol Studios but is now working as a senior mastering engineer at AfterMaster Audio Labs.

Peter is also hosting a really cool Audio Lunch “networking event” in Los Angeles where producers and engineers meet. If you ever get a chance to go, you should!

It was a pleasure talking to Peter and I’m sure you will enjoy our conversation too.

In this interview, we spoke about:

• Peter’s mastering routine when he gets a new project in

• Working at Capitol Studios

• How he deals with various LUFS standards on streaming platforms

• Getting more volume with lower ratios

• Embracing AI in mastering and what differentiates AI from human mastering

• The importance of being kind

• Working with Miles Davis and Marcus Miller

• The importance of a work/life balance and when it’s appropriate to put in an all-nighter

And much more

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