Investing Questions 

1:37 - I'm new to investing. Where do I start? 
4:03 - I'm not sure if I have enough money to start investing. 
5:58 - What are some good investments for beginners? 8:15 - I'm worried about taking too much risk. How can I minimise risk With my investments? 
10:55 - How do I know if my investments are performing well? 
14:51 - I want to invest for the long term. What are some good strategies? 
16:25 - I'm not sure I understand all the jargon and technical terms. Can you explain them in simpler terms? 
18:08 - How do I know if I'm making the right investment decisions? 
19:50 - I'm interested investing in real estate. What should I consider? 
21:56 - I'm worried about the tax implications of investing, what should I know?

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Episode Sponsor | This episode is brought to you by More Time Financial, a financial planning company that is on a mission to help young Australians make smarter decisions with money by providing real-life financial advice, coaching and financial education.

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Disclaimer | In preparing this podcast episode, the contributors have not taken into account any particular person's objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this information, you should consider its relevance to your personal circumstances.