Starting a Business, Breakups & Travel With Emily Gough

In this episode, we speak to Emily Gough about: 

Going back to school  Changing careers  Starting a business  Relationship breakdown  Travel  Pros and Cons of working remotely  Your money story and money beliefs 

About Emily 

Some things you may not know about her:

A handful of my favourite things include deadlifts, dark chocolate PB cups and patting every dog I meet. I’ve held random jobs that include everything from working in a warehouse and bartending in nightclubs for years, to customer service at a well-known chain and managing large corporate sales accounts in the automotive industry. I have BA in Criminal Justice & Psychology, plus certifications as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor and holistic nutritionist - and it all somehow led me to where I am today. Whether it’s walking, hiking, lifting heavy weights or trying to learn to love the assault bike, I’m usually in motion. I laugh a lot, even at inappropriate moments. I try to find the light in everything, and will also always encourage you to feel all the feels, otherwise, they have a habit of coming back to bite us in the ass 10X over. The hardest lesson I’ve learned is that life isn’t going to go according to plan. Ever. The faster you learn to let go of “the plan,” the more adaptable you will be and that will allow you to see and appreciate the most beautiful parts of the unexpected.

Learn more about Emily 

Website - Podcast - Room to grow podcast  Instagram - instagram/emily

Resources mentioned and topics discussed in this episode

Rules on opening and closing joining bank account -  Relationships and money - Defacto laws in Australia - familylaw/defacto

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