Too many times, we feel all alone in caregiving.  Friends, who were once always there for us, have often faded away, and even those who are still there just don't get it because they've never been there.   People we once felt comfortable sharing anything and everything with now seem like strangers in a lot of ways as connection points seem to grow further apart and we don't feel comfortable sharing all of the intimate details of what a day in the life of being a caregiver is like.  

It's not surprising that our friends struggle to understand what is happening and in turn, we as caregivers struggle to find the time it takes to maintain our friendships. The end result is that too many caregivers become increasingly isolated and cut off from the very emotional support they most need.

If you have friends you've lost, through your care journey, or have friends who really want to be there to support you , but just don't know how, this episode is for you and I hope you'll share it with them. 

Our friendships are our most precious resource so perhaps let's help them understand a bit more the best things they can do to support us. 

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Your Cliffs Notes guide to surviving (& thriving) while caregiving. Whether you're preparing to care, new to your caregiving role or a seasoned caregiver, these tips will help save you time, energy and regret throughout your care journey. This guide includes simple yet effective strategies to prepare & support you through the challenging times.