If you could go to sleep tonight and wake up no longer needing to care for a loved one. Would you choose that? Or keep caring for them because you would feel lost?  It's this question that prompted this podcast episode and launched me into exploring the emotional side of caregiving. 

Whether you become a caregiver over time or all of sudden due to a crisis, or whether you are a caregiver willingly or by default, many emotions surface when you take on the job of caregiving. Some of these feelings happen right away and some don’t surface until you have been caregiving for awhile.

Many feelings come up when you are caring for someone day in and day out. Many caregivers set out saying, “This won’t happen to me. I love my [inset loved one] but after awhile, the “negative” emotions that we tend to want to bury or pretend we aren’t feeling come up. Caregivers are often reluctant to express these negative feelings for fear they will be judged by others (or judge themselves) or don’t want to burden others with their problems.

During this episode I review some of the feelings that come with being a caregiver & some coping mechanisms you may want to try to implement as you work towards balancing the emotional side of caregiving as the emotions are many and they all hit you at different times, sometimes harder than the other.  But if you are prepared with some ammunition in your pocket to help you work through and process them, it will help you show better not only as a caregiver, but for yourself. 

Where we can connect:

Join the Young Life Interrupted Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/younglifeinterrupted

Subscribe to the podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/young-life-interrupted-a-podcast-for-young-caregivers/id1578015965

Connect with Adrienne on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/younglifeinterrupted/

Follow Adrienne on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/younglifeinterrupted

Your Cliffs Notes guide to surviving (& thriving) while caregiving. Whether you're preparing to care, new to your caregiving role or a seasoned caregiver, these tips will help save you time, energy and regret throughout your care journey. This guide includes simple yet effective strategies to prepare & support you through the challenging times.