Sean Weir is the man behind The Shaka Project, a movement that shares Young Blood’s mission to ignite the tough conversations around men’s mental health.

It’s based on a clothing line stamped with the shaka hand gesture, symbolising the wearers willingness to be open about their own mental health and be there for their mates.

Sean started The Shaka Project thinking it’d just be for his home town, but  the power of the project resonated so much, its quickly spread interstate and overseas.

Sean’s now a young father, a successful business owner and an all around calm and compassionate bloke. The polar opposite of who he was not all that long ago.

He still struggles from time to time, but 'it's all good bro' - so do we.

***TRIGGER WARNING*** This episode discusses suicide. If you or someone you know is suicidal, please call Lifeline on 13 14 11 or the suicide prevention hotline in your country.