Heath Black is a former AFL veteran who spent 12 years as a midfielder for the Dockers and the Saints.
On paper it sounds like every player’s dream, but the reality is he struggled greatly with undiagnosed bipolar disorder, anxiety and ADHD, conditions he didn’t know he had until he was 30.
Through the second half of his career, Heath suffered through constant anxiety attacks and lost his love for playing the game. Off the field his life unraveled as his mental illness intensified, going untreated.

It got worse before it got better...Heath’s marriage family life took a major his and he turned to drinking to numb the pain. At rock bottom, he narrowly avoided going to jail after a string of misdemeanours and assaults landed him before a judge.

It took Heath years of work and the love of his family to get his life back on track and when he did, he had a new mission...Using everything he’s been through to help others overcome their mental health struggles.

It hasn’t been pretty, but against the odds Heath’s turned his life a success story more meaningful than he could’ve imagined.