I have been a business performance coach for many years and a performance marketing teacher for just about as long and a broadcaster for many more years than that.

Recently my two careers came together as people have asked me to create a variety of radio and video broadcasts about the things that we really need to know, learn to do, do them well, and then share the information knowledge and wisdom with others.

Here's the deal, I am now developing a seven module coaching experience that are the Seven Stories about the Seven Strategies that the successful creator entrepreneur and business leader will need to learn, master, perform, and excel in.  

Here in 20 minutes is a WIT Talk, a What it Takes presentation about what the seven strategies are so that you can start creating a pathway and the highway to learning all that you need to know to be on your way to true success in the 21st-century business marketplace.

We can help you, so ask how a class, a course and a coaching experience might be just exactly what you and your team need to enjoy true success and further growth and profitability in the years ahead,


I have been a business performance coach for many years and a performance marketing teacher for just about as long and a broadcaster for many more years than that.

Recently my two careers came together as people have asked me to create a variety of radio and video broadcasts about the things that we really need to know, learn to do, do them well, and then share the information knowledge and wisdom with others.

Here's the deal, I am now developing a seven module coaching experience that are the Seven Stories about the Seven Strategies that the successful creator entrepreneur and business leader will need to learn, master, perform, and excel in.  

Here in 20 minutes is a WIT Talk, a What it Takes presentation about what the seven strategies are so that you can start creating a pathway and the highway to learning all that you need to know to be on your way to true success in the 21st-century business marketplace.

We can help you, so ask how a class, a course and a coaching experience might be just exactly what you and your team need to enjoy true success and further growth and profitability in the years ahead,
