Yes it does. And I'm not saying that that's necessarily a good thing because often it is not, but it is the real thing today. Let me introduce you to my 20 minute Radio WIT talk.

Like the TED Talk this is only 20 minutes but I think I do more than most TED talkers.  WIT stands for What It Takes, which stands for Wisdom Insight and Truth, and "wit" stands for a sense of humor and not taking yourself too seriously. That's a WIT Talk.

I am going to demonstrate, hopefully, that the world does revolve around the radio and because of that you need to understand it, not to love it or even be a part of it but you do you need to understand it.  And it affects your life more than you could ever believe.

So here is my challenge to you.  ... Why don't you figure out how to use it to better your life and your business and to help other people live better and grow and go forward and achieve some true success..

Why don't you join me and try to learn how to be a world class radio broadcaster and change your world and perhaps a good part of the world.  I dare you. I double dare you.  Here's the story!