What does it mean to truly build a brand? 

I’ll be honest, when I first started my network marketing business, I thought that building a brand was about colors and fonts. I focused my time and energy on having a certain superficial look because that’s what I thought I was supposed to do at the time.

I didn’t realize that I WAS THE BRAND.

I didn’t realize that the products and company that I partnered with should compliment MY MESSAGE . . . not the other way around.

And that dragged me into a place of inauthenticity and way out of alignment.

If you’re feeling a little lost when it comes to building a brand that vibes with who you are and that delivers your message, then you are going to love today’s podcast interview with Jordan Duvall!!

She’s the CEO of Ignite Your Soul Brand & the go-to Brand Alchemist for female business owners ready to build an in-demand brand infused with meaning and magnetism.

She left a 20-year media and advertising career to pursue her passion of creating magnetic brands infused with personality for coaches, consultants and service-based business.

And get this!! Before she said goodbye to big-time agency life, Jordan had the honor of:

▶ Creating campaigns for movies & TV shows such as The Lord of

the Rings Trilogy, Star Trek, Game of Thrones… and many more.

▶ Working with private clients Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller, Cards Against Humanity and Manifestation Babe.

▶ Art Directing photo shoots for celebrities such as Gwen Stefani, Christina Aguilera and Jennifer Lopez

She is truly a master at:

Knowing how to make a powerful first impression with your brand that establishes your expertise.Skyrocketing your sales with a magnetic visual strategy that stands out from the crowd.How to create an authentic connection that inspires confidence in your soulmate clients to invest in working with you.

My hope is that this interview will challenge & inspire you to dig deeper into how you want to show up in your business. Maintaining an image is draining, exhausting, and doesn’t allow for true connection - with your audience or with yourself. 

But, waking up each day with a business that IGNITES YOUR SOUL, that creates inspired action, authenticity, and connection — it’s the opposite of draining. It’s empowering!