Are you fully aware of your current state? Do you believe that awareness can open the door for us to manifest our wildest business dreams to have the best relationships, friendships, the connection?

Back then, whenever I go for a run, I always feel like I was in this high vibration. And after the run, all of that flow, that freedom, that space that eases that peace, would be gone.

However, by becoming aware of and noticing the events around me, I was able to return to the higher state.

It takes creating and committing to the habit of awareness to go back to a state of ease, peace, and love. When we start to notice, we have an opportunity to rewrite the plot twist and the chance for a new story.

And one best way to allow you to stay in a high state and access awareness is through meditation.

Take five minutes in the morning for meditation and breathwork. This is how you grow a connection to your body because you start to lean into noticing your thoughts and knowing that thoughts are optional.

When you're building a relationship with yourself, you are the one that has the answers and can truly tap into your higher power.

So choose peace. Choose connection. Choose yourself. And when you choose you, it's your energetic fitness. It starts with five minutes of breathing.

Listen to more on today's episode, as I will be sharing more tips on how to live in a higher vibrational zone through the habit of awareness.