Wow! It is so hard to believe that we are welcoming a brand new month again already, isn’t it? August, already! We are over six months into 2022, and it feels like we’ll blink and find ourselves in the middle of the holiday season.

While 2022 is flying by, there is still plenty of time left to make it a truly incredible, life-changing year.

But only if we are willing to do the work. 

Last week, we talked about that “suitcase” that we all pack and carry around with us. I introduced you to the idea of being more selective of what you pack in an effort to travel lighter - and get rid of that baggage charge you’re always having to pay! If you haven’t listened to the previous episode, I want to encourage you to do so because what I’ll share with you today is step #2.

So, now your suitcase is packed with the things that you need to carry - you’ve taken out the antelope and cantaloupe, realizing they’re just not yours to carry. And now it’s time to head out on your journey.

But where are you going?

As you move into creating your AUTHENTIC self and a life that brings you peace, joy, and a feeling of satisfaction, this question will guide you. I mean, how are you going to create this life that you’ve never experienced without having some sort of map? It would be like throwing that suitcase in the car and heading out on your journey - with no idea of where you’re going or how to get there. 

It really doesn’t make much sense, right?

In today’s podcast, I’m going to introduce you to the concept of Radical. Personal. Responsibility. I’ll explain what this means and also how accepting responsibility will allow you to avoid detours and road hazards on your journey. Additionally, I’ll give you insight and a visualization exercise that will help you determine your destination and to create the best route in your day-to-day life to get there.

I can’t wait for you to see how absolutely beautiful, juicy, and fulfilling life can be when you decide that it will be that way and live with the intention to make it so. Imagine, after years of driving around in circles feeling frustrated, bored, and defeated –  you FINALLY put your destination address into your GPS! 

Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes!