WARNING: Explicit Language.  Just saying...

The author of 5 books, and a well known coach of hundreds of businesses, Cameron Herold give us his perspective on leading in difficult times. 13 years after Mark and Cameron first met, they connect the dots on what has  happened since then. 

7:30 - What is Trump doing right?

15:05 - How to force yourself to start to really take advantage of the opportunity now.

29:56 - When optimism can cost you your pay day.

44:45 - "I'm struggling and I'm not sure my way out."

73:18 - Cameron's  PR, marketing, and advertising approach, summarized.  


Get in touch: 

Mark Leary: www.linkedin.com/in/markhleary | www.leary.cc 

Cameron Herold:  www.cameronherold.com |  www.cooalliance.com | [email protected] |  https://www.facebook.com/cameronherold/ |  https://www.instagram.com/cameron_herold_cooalliance/?hl=en

 Production credit: 

Engineering / Post-Production: Jim McCarthy 

Art / Design: Immanuel Ahiable