Today was the first recording of the podcast for "You're Doing Great Mom".

I have to admit. I was really nervous. And she told me she was too!

I guess being nervous is a good thing. 


The nervousness gives me the energy to move forward.

All that adrenalin.

Anyway, my equipment was all set up. Mic, computer, the correct software to record, comfy seating, headphones. I was all geared up.



I've even been reading and researching about how to start up your own podcast, and all the important steps to making a good quality podcast.

(Now that I've revealed myself, I hope I can deliver!)

The first conversation was with an incredible woman, a friend from a long time ago. She was my personal trainer in New York when I was pregnant with my second child. 

Jennifer Cassetty is a powerhouse. She used to be a competitive fitness athlete, and she's always been goal driven, so it was really interesting to hear her story in becoming a mom.

I hadn't spoken to her in nearly 8 years, and the only reason why I knew she had become a mom is because of her Facebook posts sharing her pictures.

During our conversation, which was lots of fun, my realisation and reason of why I wanted to start these podcasts in the first place came to me so clearly. I had no idea what Jen was willing to share, and it was simply her story, her words about her experience about her becoming a mother. I learned a lot about her. Lots happens in eight years. And inside the whole conversation, many topics came up that we, as mothers, often hear others talk about because these are real issues, real life challenges, and real every day common situations that I think every woman can somehow relate to.

She explained to me how she was in her late 30s, knowing that she wanted to have a family, and it was a big heavy part of her life that started consuming her as a primary objective. I think many, many women can relate to that, especially in a big major city like New York.

Once she met her husband, and got married, they both were on the same track in wanting to start a family right away. She said that most of the information from doctors explained that it's not likely that they'll conceive easily because of her and her husband's ages. It was a frustrating experience to constantly hear that she was in a high risk category and the odds were against her.

Luckily, she got pregnant right away, had a healthy pregnancy, and they had a healthy little girl. 

Even though she had worked with pregnant women, training them every day in the gym, and also has been around her niece and nephew, she soon discovered how unprepared she was as a new mom. One of the things that I tell all first-time pregnant women is that they don't need to worry so much about their pregnancy. It's a time to enjoy and not be too stressed about every little thing.

What they should be preparing for and focusing on is what's about to come - what happens AFTER the baby is born.

Jen was saying how it was a really tough transition, knowing nearly nothing about how to take care of a newborn, how to breastfeed, and if everything she was doing was the right thing.

Don't all mothers experience that?

So why is that information just so scarce when it's the most crucial part of preparation for becoming a mother?

You know, while Jen was telling me her story, I sat back thinking how familiar it was, and yet I also sat back listening without a major concern that she was doing a great job. I could tell she's been coping, AND doing a great job.

Yet, I know she, and probably every new mom with a newborn out there, was thinking, "holy shit, this mom thing is NOT what I expected and this sucks!"

I know I remember feeling that way. Several times.

When you haven't showered all day, you're starving, exhausted, lonely, and frustrated, and your four-week-old baby is wailing and you have no idea why, it's normal to look at that baby and be like, "You know what? I don't like you right now!"

Guess what, that's something I think us moms will say in our heads many times throughout motherhood. In fact, I've got three of my own, and I know that most days, and probably every day, I feel like that with one, or all three of them at the same time.

But we LOVE them. Always. Unconditionally.

And that's what motherhood is all about.

It's not always a joy. Sometimes it sucks, and sometimes I want to switch places with my childless friends of mine for a week. But, we all know we can't live without our babies and we love them so hard that it hurts.

This is what this website is all about. Dealing with the dirty, the ugly, and also the fabulous and amazing lives as moms.

My husband doesn't understand the title of this website/podcast, "You're Doing Great Mom". That's because in his cynical mind, he's saying, "Actually, you don't know if that woman is doing a great job. Maybe she hates it and she's not a really good mom."

He's not wrong.

But, that's not the point.

Women who are mothers, by nature, we want to be a great mom. And just hearing those words can lift us up.

Men might not hear those words in the same way, and they might be useless in helping them feel better or do better. But nearly all women can respond to positive and uplifting words like that, especially if it's what we strive for - to be great.

I hope you get a lot out of this blog and website, and when I publish the first podcast, remember to subscribe because I know it'll be a fabulous collection of awesome stories and conversations with women of all types.

Remember to comment and ask questions too!

See you next time!

— MaryAnne