Previous Episode: 16: Mitch Merin
Next Episode: 18: Kim Cole

In the brokerage of residential real estate, it takes at least 10 years to build a reputation but only one day to lose it. That is why it is important to establish a mutual sense of trust with each person the moment they walk in your door.

Prior to becoming a principal, the CFO, and the Broker of The Grubb Company in 1999, I had already spent twelve years in residential sales and worked in real estate development, restaurant services and marine biology. This broad range of experience has helped me recognize what clients want. I take great pleasure in helping them navigate through their first home buying and selling experiences. In essence, I am selling my emotional intelligence, geographic expertise, and time – a home will sell itself.

When I was growing up in Indiana, my father worked for a steel mill for many years. His work ethic instilled in me the power of the group effort. The Grubb Company embraces that same traditional, old-fashioned, common sense philosophy in everything we do. Many of our agents have been with our company for more than 30 years. This is our ultimate compliment. Everybody at The Grubb Company understands the contribution necessary to maintain an impeccable reputation in the industry.

Using the same business methodology and framework that Donald J. Grubb Sr. established more than 30 years ago, I have worked with D.J. Grubb to expand The Grubb Company into a broad, strategic and healthy firm. Day-to-day, I specialize in educating our agents on how to solve problems and analyze difficult financial transactions to determine the best solutions for our clients. I am the technician that complements D.J.’s marketing savvy. Together we are a very effective team.

When I am not on the residential playing field, you can find me eagerly refereeing youth soccer games throughout the Bay Area. Like any committed coach, my efforts are very comprehensive. I truly enjoy what I do in my home life and at The Grubb Company.