You Have Permission artwork

You Have Permission

299 episodes - English - Latest episode: 9 days ago - ★★★★★ - 493 ratings

So many of us have been given bad answers to good questions -- questions about God, suffering, prayer, fate, science, justice, and more -- often by people with pure intentions. But we needn't stop with those pat answers. You have permission to take both Christianity and the modern world very seriously, and this podcast will introduce you to people from across the Christian spectrum engaging these timeless and difficult questions in various ways.

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GGCH: Is there a Masculinity Crisis? (Patreon Preview)

November 09, 2023 13:00 - 54 minutes

Good times were had by all at this live-at-Theology-Beer-Camp special edition of the Generation Gap Culture Hour, the recurring Patreon-feed show where Dan is joined by Tony Jones and Josh Gilbert. Organized on the fly after Jars of Clay’s Dan Haseltine failed to arrive at camp, Dan put the question to Josh and Tony: Is there a “masculinity crisis” as has been reported in some corners of the media? If so, what constitutes this crisis? The best part of the episode, all three agree, was when th...

Worries About "Humanistic" Christianity (#220)

November 06, 2023 13:00 - 1 hour

Jed Payne (Church and Other Drugs Podcast) is back to continue the series of “Worries About…” episodes, this time on Jed’s concern that progressive Christianity might be too “humanistic” and not serious enough about human depravity. As always with Jed, it’s a great and incredibly candid conversation with a lot of much-appreciated vulnerability, especially on Jed’s end. They discuss OCD/religious scrupulosity, original sin/depravity, Jed’s felt need for God, and more. Church and Other Drugs P...

Israel & "End Times": A Full Treatment (#219)

October 30, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

After Dan’s solo mini episode on Israel-Hamas and the “End Times” (as conceived of by Left Behind-style premillennial dispensationalist Protestants), he wanted to go further in-depth on the background of that particular theology and reading of apocalyptic texts within the Bible. Dan Hummel (University of Wisconsin Madison) was gracious enough to join on short notice, and the two cover the history of dispensationalism, alternate readings of key texts in Revelation and Daniel, how dispensationa...

What Even is Existentialism? (#218)

October 26, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

Aaron Simmons is back! This time, we are not talking so much about Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, but rather in more general terms about the philosophical movement he began: existentialism. Or anyway, he kicked off modern European Existentialism. Since Tripp Fuller and I are gearing up for our “Live Before You Die: Existentialism in Psychology and Theology” online class, I wanted to talk with a philosopher about the original existentialist movement(s) to give all of us some context. I ...

End Times Popularity: Part 2 (#78) (Re-broadcast)

October 24, 2023 12:00 - 55 minutes

Given recent events in Israel and Palestine, it is inevitable that Christians focused on the Rapture and a Left-Behind-style view of the “End Times” will begin to draw explicit connections between this war and the so-called “signs of Christ’s return.” Dan is planning at least one more episode on this topic, but in the meanwhile, these two episodes, featuring conversations with four Baby Boomers who lived through the Jesus Movement, ask the question, “Why was this End Times view so popular amo...

End Times Popularity: Part 1 (#77) (Re-broadcast)

October 23, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

Given recent events in Israel and Palestine, it is inevitable that Christians focused on the Rapture and a Left-Behind-style view of the “End Times” will begin to draw explicit connections between this war and the so-called “signs of Christ’s return.” Dan is planning at least one more episode on this topic, but in the meanwhile, these two episodes, featuring conversations with four Baby Boomers who lived through the Jesus Movement, ask the question, “Why was this End Times view so popular amo...

Rediscovering Spirituality in Sobriety (#217)

October 16, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

Dan's old college friend and country artist Sam Outlaw (born Sam Morgan) joins to talk about the role of his faith/spirituality in recovering from alcohol use disorder. Along the way, they discuss authoritative vs. nurturant parenting styles, messages they received about alcohol growing up Evangelical, some of the benefits of that upbringing, and the awkwardness inherent in many parachurch organizations. Dan also brings in some of the peer-reviewed research on 12-step programs and the role of...

The Israel-Palestine Conflict Is Not End Times Evidence (#216)

October 10, 2023 12:00 - 14 minutes

In this brief solo episode, Dan shares some quick anxiety-relieving thoughts about the way that the unfolding Israel-Palestine conflict will inevitably, but falsely, be linked to predictions about the “End Times.” End Times Anxiety: Part 1: End Times Anxiety: Part 2: End Times Anxiety: Part 3:

Is it Deconstruction, or Running Away? (#215)

October 09, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

Matthias Roberts joins me again! Previously we talked about healing from sexual shame; this week, he builds a bridge from that conversation to his new book Holy Runaways. After coming to terms (more or less) with sexuality issues, Matthias found that he and many of his friends were still unsure what to do with the whole “faith” thing. What was salvageable, and what were the stakes of ignoring this question? How can we avoid swapping one tribal manifesto for another? Matthias’s Book “Holy Run...

The Psychology of Christian Nationalism (#214) (Excerpt)

October 05, 2023 12:00 - 34 minutes

*Full episode on the Patreon feed* Psychotherapist Pamela Cooper-White shares about her book “The Psychology of Christian Nationalism." We talk about white supremacy, conscious and unconscious needs, motivating via fear, “crisis merchants,” and when to ask yourself questions like, "Am I the right person to have this convo?" or "Is this the right setting for this convo"? Pamela’s Book “The Psychology of Christian Nationalism”:

An Existential Road Trip with Tripp Fuller (#213)

October 03, 2023 12:00 - 2 hours

Dan and Tripp Fuller get themselves psyched for their upcoming online pop-up learning community on existentialism by sharing songs that remind them of death, isolation, freedom, meaning/meaninglessness, and courage.  Learn more or sign up for their class, “Live Before You Die: Existentialism in Theology & Psychology”: _____________ Register for Theology Beer Camp: Use code: YHPGODPOD at checkout for $25 off! _____________ Follow Dan on IG: www.ins...

I Don't Believe in That God - Satanist Stephen Long (#212)

September 26, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

On the most recent "I Don't Believe in That God," Dan talks with former Christian missionary and current minister in The Satanic Temple Stephen Bradford Long. Stephen defines Satanism as he and Dan discuss three or four options for what people imagine when they hear the term "Satanist." Stephen shares his story from Charismatic Presbyterianism, through mainline Protestantism, to atheism, and eventually to The Satanic Temple, which was formed in 2013 as a reformation of the more widely-popular...

After Universalism, Why Does Religion Matter? (#211)

September 21, 2023 12:00 - 50 minutes

Kristen’s back with Dan to ask some of your burning Q’s and get some A’s! After talking about the need or value of religion after believing no one goes to Hell, Kristen also asks: If you could have a beer with one character from a Sci-Fi or Superhero or Fantasy genre who would it be and why? What are you going to teach your kid about sex? What are some meta-narratives in pop-culture that you enjoy that help us wrestle with some of life's important big questions? What are boundaries and how c...

Is Christianity Inherently Toxic? (#210)

September 18, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

Earlier this summer, some mild controversy around a video released by Pete Enns (Bible/Faith for Normal People) brought up some interesting questions. First, if someone has experienced a particularly “toxic” version of Christianity, how equipped are they to speak about the larger Christian tradition? Second, is all Christianity inherently “toxic” (and how do we define “toxic”)? In a dual-feed episode with Tim Whitaker of The New Evangelicals, Dan and Tim explore these questions.  https://www...

What Does a Healthy Spiritual Leader Even Look Like? (#209)

September 11, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

*To update your Patreon giving, head to Thanks for your support!* Dr. Steven Sandage (Boston University) joins Sarey Concepcion and myself for a fairly wide-ranging conversation about his own story and some of the topics he has focused on during his research career, including: -Healthy Spiritual Leadership -Spirituality as a way to maintain healthy relationships  -Attachment & differentiation -How gender plays a role in healthy leadership  -Humility  -Unconscious loyalti...

Why Are People Leaving The Church? (Patreon Preview)

September 07, 2023 12:00 - 31 minutes

*To update your Patreon giving, head to Thanks for your support!* Ex-pastor Brandon Flanery joins Dan to talk through his own research as to why people are currently leaving Christianity for non-Christian or non-religious waters. His sample skews young and LGBTQ-heavy, which is helpful for understanding the experience of sexual and gender minorities around this topic. Check out for more of his work. Brandon’s Book “Stumbling: A Sassy Memoir about Comi...

Theology and the Trans Experience (#208)

September 05, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

From a postmodern perspective, there is no entirely objective “view from nowhere.” The Evangelical tradition, however, presents itself as ahistorical and objective. Trans ordained priest Shannon Kearns reminds us that actively working to understand the history that has shaped current theological perspectives can help us see in what ways it has influenced how we live, vote, and interact with those unlike us. He does so in part by telling his own story and arguing that contextual theologies (tr...

Christianity & Conspiracy Theories (#207)

August 28, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

What makes a conspiracy theory? How does it differ from healthy skepticism? Mike Austin and Greg Bock, editors of QAnon, Chaos, and the Cross, join Dan to discuss everything from the “deep state” to why biblical literalism and Christian nationalism predict conspiratorial thinking. Insights into the psychology behind conspiratorial thinking can provide strategies for meaningful dialogue in today's complex world. The crew ends by providing some practical tools for navigating these conversations...

The Role of Music in End-Times Culture (#206)

August 21, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

How does music contribute to forming a community identity? Dan welcomes guest Matt Knight to talk about how “End Times” songs helped shape the cultural understanding of the Jesus Movement in the early ‘70s and beyond. Much like Billy Graham’s “Crusades,” powerful emotional experiences and songs played into the plausibility structures of this specific subculture, reinforcing the idea that Jesus was coming back soon. Dan and Matt examine songs by Larry Norman, Bob Dylan, Jackson Browne, and mor...

To Be Gay Affirming (Deluxe Edition) (#205)

August 14, 2023 05:00 - 2 hours

**This is a deluxe rebroadcast of the "To Be Gay Affirming" episode** In this “deluxe edition” of our original episode #10 (“To Be Gay Affirming”), Samantha Perez joins Dan for a special introduction on affirming churches, what progress is being made in Christian communities around LGBTQ issues, and changes in ethical plausibility structures — that is, what ethical approaches seem reasonable given a person or community’s changing circumstances over time. Be sure to also check out Samantha an...

Is "Shiny Happy People" Anti-Religion? (#204)

August 10, 2023 12:00 - 55 minutes

In this last episode reviewing Shiny Happy People, Dan and Mark talk about their overall impressions of the series as well as the heavy-hitting episode topics. They discuss the surprising research on content/trigger warnings, the series’s insinuation that Josh Duggar’s sexual repression led to his eventual acting out, the Joshua Generation Project, and overall assumptions regarding the motives of those featured in the documentary, noting that people are often more psychologically complex than...

Is Anxiety Always Bad? (#203)

August 07, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour

Even Jesus had anxiety in his life, so why are we so set on avoiding it? Theologian, author, and host of the Good Faith podcast Curtis Chang joins Dan to discuss his new book, The Anxiety Opportunity, and how we can navigate the (sometimes frightening) inevitability of loss and change. Instead of seeing anxiety as a problem to be solved by “praying” or “prescribing” it away, Curtis shows us how our feelings of uncertainty might serve as meaningful signposts in our lives. Curtis's Book "The A...

Shiny Happy People: Was Bill Gothard A Cult Leader? (#202)

August 03, 2023 12:00 - 51 minutes

In episode three of the Shiny Happy People series, the story turns from the general teachings of the Institute for Basic Life Principles to more specific instances of power and abuse, such as unpaid labor from the Duggar children and Bill Gothard's grooming of sexual assault victims. Dan and Mark offer their own PSAs on cults, “brainwashing,” and the difficulty of accurately assuming individual motivations.  PATREON EXCLUSIVE EPISODE: Dan and Mark go on to discuss who should take responsibil...

What Should "Spiritual Exiles" Do Now? Q&A with Kristen (#201)

July 31, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

Dan’s "infinity hangover", climate change, and the difference between psychiatrists and therapists: these are just some of the topics Kristen and Dan dig into in this Q&A ep! What options for those looking for new spiritual homes? How did Dan meet Tony? Would Dan remain a Christian even if religion didn’t end up being a net positive for wellbeing? Step into the realm of experimental inquiry as we embark on this Q&A adventure! Register for Theology Beer Camp: Use code: YHPGO...

Shiny Happy People: Are Children Born Evil? (#200)

July 27, 2023 12:00 - 54 minutes

Episode 2 of Shiny Happy People depicts Gothard's obedience teaching and child discipline, including spanking and the “break their will” approach. Paired with a deep fear of God’s punishment, Dan and Mark discuss how violent approaches like spanking confuse children and can even cross the line into spiritual abuse. Part 2 (Patreon feed–subscribe to access) dives deeper into the “umbrellas of authority,” as well as grooming language and the sexual abuse as it occurred in the Duggar household. ...

Are All Religions Weird About Science? (#199)

July 24, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

The link between science and Christianity is frequently misunderstood, or understood as being "in conflict." This doesn’t have to be! Greg Cootsona, returning guest and author of Science and Religions in America: A New Look (Rutledge, 2023), nuances our understanding of how Christianity and other religions interact with scientific developments, both in the present day and throughout history. Where do different religious traditions find commonality? How can Christians engage with other faiths?...

Shiny Happy People: Did Bill Gothard Create Pedophiles? (#198)

July 17, 2023 12:00 - 50 minutes

Welcome to Part 1 of this highly-requested series of response episodes to the Amazon docuseries Shiny Happy People. For these response episodes, Dan is joined by former Bill Gothard-ite Mark Scandrette. Much like the Duggar family of TLC reality series fame (“16 and Counting”), Mark was raised in the homeschool culture described in the SHP series and began his family life under Gothard’s teachings. Over the next few weeks, Dan and Mark will release four episodes, each in response to an episod...

Un-Shaming Each Part of Ourselves (#197)

July 10, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

It’s natural to try to protect ourselves from perceived threats. Historically, this instinct has helped us survive and navigate risk. But sometimes, creating the feeling of safety, specifically in the midst of faith changes, can come at the cost of ignoring valuable parts of ourselves. Using the model of Internal Family Systems, author and therapist Molly LaCroix helps us learn to look at all parts of our internal “family” with compassion and realize that each part plays a crucial role.  Reg...

Re-Engaging a Problematic Faith (#196)

July 03, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

Joining me today is author, professor (Toronto School of Theology), and theologian Natalie Wigg-Stevenson to discuss her book "Transgressive Devotion.” Natalie asks, "What theological claims are we making, and how are they contributing to how we keep producing theological knowledge?" Her free online “devotional” is made up of three modules, each of which we discuss: going from abandonment toward presence, from fear toward risk, and from certainty toward doubt. Register for Theology Beer Camp...

You Are Not Your Beliefs (#195)

June 26, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

We continue our occasional "intellectual humility" series, and this one went DEEP. Joining me were Sarey Martin Concepción and Dr. Daryl Van Tongeren (Hope College), who says that humility “is about being the right size in a situation” and “starts with psychological security." We touch on cognitive limitations and what the research says about intellectual humility and spiritual leaders.  Daryl's Faculty Page: Daryl’s Book “Humb...

Worries About Progressive Christianity - Andy Squyres (#194)

June 20, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

Joining us for another WAPC episode is author, songwriter, and dynamic Instagram presence Andy Squyres (that’s the best term I can think of!). Andy says, "We live in an age where nothing can be said without it being contested," and "I see many people not finding the answers within deconstruction that deconstructionism promises." We talk about worries around pop-culture mental health work, a sometimes never-ending focus on doubt, and alternatives that are neither Christian orthodoxy nor nihili...

Hellish Religious Trauma & Its Treatment (#193)

June 12, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

Returning for a 3rd time is author and therapist Dr. Mark Karris to discuss his book "The Diabolical Trinity: Healing From a Wrathful God, Tormenting Hell, and a Sinful Self." Mark's work fleshes out the damaging effects of certain doctrines of hell and his research offers several approaches to healing from theologically-tinged mental health issues. We discuss different therapeutic modalities that are well-suited to religious trauma work, like Internal Family Systems and Acceptance and Commit...

How Should We Think About Spiritual Experiences? (#192)

June 05, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

Joining me today is Dale C. Allison Jr., Professor of New Testament (Princeton Theological Seminary), to discuss his book "Encountering Mystery: Religious Experience in a Secular Age." We cover materialism, empiricism, and the prevalence of mystical, spiritual, and/or “unitive” experiences. Dale says that “people's experiences are stranger and weirder, more mystical and terrible than we usually think.” I agree with him that we need to take such experiences seriously, and Dale and I both speak...

All About Ritual (#191)

May 30, 2023 17:33 - 1 hour

Today we're talking all about ritual with psychologist Laird Edman, who researches the cognitive science of religion, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence at Northwestern College. “People have all kinds of physiological experiences when they engage in rituals,” he says. “It taps into our endorphins" and "helps calm and de-stress people." We cover imagistic versus doctrinal ritual, orthopraxy over orthodoxy, the meaning behind rituals, and more. Laird’s Faculty Page: https://www.nwci...

Growing Up Among "Sweaty Pentecostals" (#190)

May 23, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

In today's long overdue conversation, I talk with author Chris Green (Professor of Public Theology at Southeastern University - Lakeland, FL). Chris explains being raised in Pentecostalism (the focus of our conversation), discussing the radical embodied aspects of its spiritualized expression of faith. Chris says, "We can't stop making myths and stories about ourselves and assigning meaning."  Dr. Chris Green’s Website: Chris' Substack:

LIVE: Is Christianity Worth Passing On? (#189)

May 15, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

This episode is the final panel from our live event in Seattle featuring "The Big Five" (Sarah Lane Ritchie, Sarey Concepción, Tripp Fuller, Myron Penner, and Dan Koch). ___________________________________________ Follow Dan on IG: Or Twitter: Faith deconstruction resources: Edited by Josh Gilbert ([email protected] -- he is accepting more work!) Join the Patreon for exclusive episodes (and more) every mont...

Is Radical Conversion God's Back-Up Plan? (#188)

May 08, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

Re-joining me today is author, therapist, and researcher Krispin Mayfield to discuss his book "Attached to God: A Practical Guide to Deeper Spiritual Experience." “Attachment science” applied to our relationship to God is a topic of emerging interest for me personally. We talk through attachment trauma, the latest research findings, and how our nervous systems adapt depending on attachment style. Krispin's Book: Attached to God:

Walk Me Through: Jesus Movement Music ’67-’79 (Part 2) (#187)

May 02, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

This is a dual-feed episode, also being released on my music-focused podcast Pretty Good Vibrations. Ever wondered how White Evangelical Protestants got the way they are? The music that generation created played an outsized role in the formation of their subculture, one that would come to dominate a large chunk of American sociopolitics in the coming 6 decades. And you know what? Some of it rules. (Some emphatically does not.) Lindsay Strannigan (Holy Ghosting Podcast, formerly of The Militi...

Walk Me Through: Jesus Movement Music ’67-’79 (Part 1) (#187)

May 01, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

This is a dual-feed episode, also being released on my music-focused podcast Pretty Good Vibrations. Part 2 drops tomorrow! Ever wondered how White Evangelical Protestants got the way they are? The music that generation created played an outsized role in the formation of their subculture, one that would come to dominate a large chunk of American sociopolitics in the coming 6 decades. And you know what? Some of it rules. (Some emphatically does not.) Lindsay Strannigan (Holy Ghosting Podcast,...

LIVE: Spiritual Technologies & Toxic Theologies (#186)

April 24, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

Sarah Lane Ritchie joins me in Seattle Live to kick off the YHP mini-con with a conversation about the current state of research into “spiritual technologies” like psychedelic drugs. Sarah also shares new heart-wrenching details about the role of toxic theology in her mother’s final months. ___________________________________________ Follow Dan on IG: Or Twitter: Faith deconstruction resources: Edited by Josh Gilber...

Between the Church & the World (#185)

April 17, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

I'm joined today by journalist and author Jon Ward (previous YHP & Depolarize guest) to discuss his book "Testimony: Inside the Evangelical Movement That Failed a Generation." We cover using language as a weapon, epistemic modesty, and falling under the spell of a charismatic leader. Jon did not grow up "amid corrupt charlatans who use the name of God to amass riches. The leaders in [his] world were true believers whose intensity of belief blinded them to their errors." Jon's Book "Testimony...

Intellectual Humility (#184)

April 10, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

Today Sarey Concepción and I are joined by Joshua N. Hook, author and Psychologist (University of North Texas in Denton), to discuss his work in "intellectual humility." Josh says, "A lot of times, we are really certain and sure what we believe is right, and that's not always in our best interests." We discuss careful thinking, ideological conformity towards in-group/out-group, valuing relationships over epistemic accuracy, and more. Josh’s Website: Josh’s Faculty P...

Mini Conference Debrief

April 03, 2023 12:00 - 55 minutes

Kristen Tideman and Josh Gilbert join Dan to debrief the recent in-person YHP Mini-conference in Seattle. Northwind Seminary: ___________________________________________ Follow Dan on IG: Or Twitter: Faith deconstruction resources: Edited by Josh Gilbert ([email protected] -- he is accepting more work!) Join the Patreon for exclusive episodes (a...

I Don't Believe in that God: Joey Holman (Man on Man) (Re-broadcast)

March 27, 2023 12:00 - 2 hours

*Re-broadcast* - I Don't Believe in that God: Joey Holman (Man on Man) (#118)  Another installment of one of my favorite types of episodes, where I chat with people who don't identify as Christian. Oftentimes, I also don't believe in the God that they don't believe in. Joey Holman (ex-Cool Hand Luke) is one half of the Polyvinyl Records duo Man on Man, alongside his boyfriend Roddy Bottum (Faith No More). He grew up in a broken home outside Atlanta, found Evangelical Christianity in his teen...

The Importance of Curiosity (#183)

March 20, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

In an episode topic that should surprise no listeners of this show (ha!), Lore Ferguson Wilbert joins me today to discuss her book "A Curious Faith: The Questions God Asks, We Ask, and We Wish Someone Would Ask Us." Lore (pronounced “Lori”) aims to champion curiosity, especially in faith settings where doubt and asking questions aren't often encouraged or even allowed. She says, “Curiosity is kindness because it leads to healing". We cover some mechanisms that inhibit curiosity, like cultural...

"Loving the Hell Out of Ourselves" (#182)

March 13, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour

Co-authors and sisters Elaine Heath (former guest) and Janine Heath McGlynn join me to discuss their co-authored memoir "Loving the Hell Out of Ourselves." They start the book with a statement of purpose, "Our heartfelt hope is that this book helps you, our readers, to know that love, not shame, not fear, not hate, not damnation, love is God's meaning." We cover subjects like poverty & neglect, patriarchal authority structures, and the role of faith in healing from abusive home environments. ...

Worries About Deconstruction - Josh Porter (Showbread) (#181)

March 06, 2023 13:00 - 2 hours

Josh Porter (Showbread) joins me today for one of our "Worries About Deconstruction" episodes to talk about his book "Death to Deconstruction: Reclaiming Faithfulness as an act of Rebellion." Despite some agreement, this conversation delves into our fundamental disagreements around objective truth claims, personal doctrines, and Christian orthodoxy. Northwind Open & Relational Theology Center: Josh’s Website: https://www.j...

Working Out Trauma Through Music (#180)

February 27, 2023 13:00 - 1 hour

*This episode is not about trauma-focused music therapy, but rather the language festival-goers use around trauma and healing* In today's dual-feed release (also on my Pretty Good Vibrations Podcast), ethnomusicologist and author Nathan Myrick (Ph.D., Baylor University) joins me to discuss his research project studying the community surrounding Furnace Fest, a faith-adjacent heavy music festival held in Alabama. Nathan’s work focuses on "understanding humanity through the music they make, en...

Empty Altars: American Saints in a Cynical Age (#179)

February 20, 2023 13:00 - 1 hour

Diana Butler Bass and Tripp Fuller join me today to discuss "Empty Altars," their 6-Week Lenten Exploration of little-known American “saints.” Diana asks, “What spiritual practices, what theological languages, what kinds of stories are motivating people in a multicultural, religiously pluralistic society?” and "How can we find goodness, beauty, and justice?" Through a lens of heroism, we cover how cynicism erodes gratitude and how "awe" plays a role in engaging with these stories. You Have P...

Rapture Culture & Mainline Futures (#178)

February 13, 2023 13:00 - 1 hour

Joining me today is author Amy Frykholm to discuss her research on rapture culture and the future of mainline Protestantism. Amy suggests questions like "How do we not get attached to our forms?", "How do we continue to be willing to experiment?" and "How do we focus on what really matters?" We discuss embodied religious expression, the alienation doubt can bring, and the Left Behind Series' effect on rapture culture. Amy’s Website: Amy’s Podcast “In Search Of”: www...

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