It can either take a simple antibiotic or it can be a life-changing diagnosis, regardless, if it happens to people, we're going to find the funny in it. Joining the podcast to do that is the very funny Jasmyn Carter, an L.A.-based comic from Cleveland who is more than willing to share her experience getting chlamydia.
No one wants an STD, and being honest about personal stories is not only a way to build connection with people who may be going through a similar experience, but it can help us cope with our own circumstances too.
In this episode we talk about:
-Jasmyn's first time doing comedy.
-The story behind Jasmyn's experience with chlamydia.
-Honesty and the courage it takes to share that with audiences onstage.
-The subjectivity of art.
-Telling STD jokes at an LGBTQ+ show.
-The only time Jasmyn has ever been booed.
-Getting verbally sexually assaulted as an audience member by the comedians.
-Ali Wong's bit on HPV.
-Instant perspective shifts.
-Writing ahead of our skill levels.
-Developing the skill of "writing onstage" and improvising lines.
-The body language of trusting yourself while performing.
-Marc Maron's bit on being a hypochondriac.
-Prostate exams.
-The cliche open mic'er take on STDs.
-And more!
Produced by Golden Ox Studio | Music: Producedbyzip
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It can either take a simple antibiotic or it can be a life-changing diagnosis, regardless, if it happens to people, we're going to find the funny in it. Joining the podcast to do that is the very funny Jasmyn Carter, an L.A.-based comic from Cleveland who is more than willing to share her experience getting chlamydia.

No one wants an STD, and being honest about personal stories is not only a way to build connection with people who may be going through a similar experience, but it can help us cope with our own circumstances too.

In this episode we talk about:

-Jasmyn's first time doing comedy.

-The story behind Jasmyn's experience with chlamydia.

-Honesty and the courage it takes to share that with audiences onstage.

-The subjectivity of art.

-Telling STD jokes at an LGBTQ+ show.

-The only time Jasmyn has ever been booed.

-Getting verbally sexually assaulted as an audience member by the comedians.

-Ali Wong's bit on HPV.


-Instant perspective shifts.

-Writing ahead of our skill levels.

-Developing the skill of "writing onstage" and improvising lines.

-The body language of trusting yourself while performing.

-Marc Maron's bit on being a hypochondriac.

-Prostate exams.

-The cliche open mic'er take on STDs.

-And more!

Produced by Golden Ox Studio | Music: Producedbyzip