•    Life can be like a roller coaster ride, we go up and down and experience all kinds of emotions. If we could just let go more, then we would experience the moment and realize that everything is going to be okay. (2:18)

•  I think that most struggle because it's part of our experience, we grow up, we get taught things, and then we don't really realize who we are. We're not taught who we are, we're taught who to be, we're not taught to think for ourselves, and so we lose that connection within ourselves. (3:36)

•    I've had complete joy. But then also, each time I up-level or each time I go through an inner healing from some of my childhood stuff, it brings those shadows out, and so I have to love all parts of me. I then have to go through that process, and I have to pull myself back out and reconnect. (4:52)

•   Remember to look around and have compassion for those that right now are not okay. I think if we could all do that, then our world would be such a more beautiful place. (5:41)



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