Sometimes the assumption is that pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction is so very complicated.  Don't get me wrong, sometimes it is.  Doctors don't always have the "magic wand" that we all want.  BUT, sometimes the "win" or solution is just so easy I had to share them here (bonus 4th easy win included because it was just so fun I did't want to stop). 

Win #1 - lube

Win #2 - estrogen cream

Win #3 - Responsive Desire

Bonus Win #4 - listen and learn! 


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Sometimes the assumption is that pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction is so very complicated.  Don't get me wrong, sometimes it is.  Doctors don't always have the "magic wand" that we all want.  BUT, sometimes the "win" or solution is just so easy I had to share them here (bonus 4th easy win included because it was just so fun I did't want to stop). 

Win #1 - lube

Win #2 - estrogen cream

Win #3 - Responsive Desire

Bonus Win #4 - listen and learn! 


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