Adult Sexy Time Sucks – YouSeeLogic to the Rescue!

Dr. Uchenna “UC” Ossai is a sex-positive pelvic health
physical therapist, sexuality educator and counselor. YouSeeLogic is her platform
that focuses on improving the sexual intelligence of adults through innovative
content and honest discussion that is free of judgement.


What was Dr. Ossai’s path to get here?


What is intersectionality how does it affect people’s sexuality?


What is Burbon talez?

Why did you write: Sexy swagger a guide to reimagining your sex


So much of her work surrounds the role of confidence in one’s
sexuality – She talks about this and gives us some top tips.


Sexual stereotypes hurt all humans – we discuss some stereotypes
we might not be aware of and how we can be better informed.


Swagger Tip #99: Diversity and inclusion is basically the
foundation of good sex.


How to own your sexy – and confidence isn’t static.


“Confidence is a process” – Dr. Uchenna


Swagger Tip #103 : Take up more space.


How to communicate with your partner about sex.


What does being “erotic” mean?


Embrace pleasure as the antidote to oppression! What ! bring us
some news here!


What is your definition of a good lover?


Our podcast partner is Firmtech – use
code “NOTBROKEN” for 15% off


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