Feeling Broken In The Bedroom? What You Need To Know About Your Sexual Health - With Dr. Kelly

This is an interview I did with Lesley
McShane for her podcast “Redesigning Midlife” and it was just such a good
interview I asked her if I could share it again. 

Basics:  a. Menopause means it’s been one year and one day since your last
period. b. The average age of menopause is around 51. and c. for ten years
prior to menopause, women go through peri-menopause, where hormones are doing a
reverse puberty.

A lot of women stop or have pain during penetrative intercourse during this
time due to a decrease in natural lubricant and collagen, but this can be
easily treated.

Even if you don't have menopause symptoms, if you are over the age of
approximately 51, you have gone through it.

The most sexually satisfied people aren’t young people, it is people in their
50s, 60s, 70s.

Great sex is not a passive thing. It’s an active process, just like someone
that is physically fit. It has to be prioritized.

Use of lube increases your success of orgasm by 70-80%. Silicone based lube is
best because you don’t absorb it like you do the water based.

There is no “how long” should I use Vaginal Estrogen cream. The use of it is
like using sunscreen or wearing a seat belt.

You don’t need a “sex drive”. We do things because they are awesome.  If
you aren’t having awesome sex, don’t wonder why you don’t desire it.

We feel entitled to a spontaneous sex drive that has been sold to us by media.
And when we don’t achieve that, we end up feeling broken.

Putting something in the vagina only leads to female orgasm 30% of the time so
special focus need to be paid to the female body. Your largest sex organ is
your brain.

Don’t sit passively by waiting for spontaneous desire to happen. Get dressed up
and go to the party even if you don’t think you want to. Chances are you’ll
have a good time once you get there.

Control of stress and cortisol levels in our bodies will help us desire more

If there is a desire mis-match in your relationship, normalize it by talking
about it.

Communication with our partner about menopausal symptoms and what we are going
through is important to our relationship.

Get educated on hormone replacement therapy as an option. When women start
thinking about how they want to live as they get older and get educated, then
they see how beneficial HRT could be for them.

Women between the age of 50-60 that are on hormone therapy live 3-4 years
longer than women in the same age group not on hormone therapy.

For our young adult children that are starting their own sexual lives, the
biggest thing they need to know from the start is about consent.

They need to be aware of is orgasmic equality.

19.We have to educate our girls that pleasure is for everybody.

 Lesley McShane's podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/redesigning-midlife-workout-motivation-over-50-weight/id1549596974

Did you get the You Are Not Broken Book Yet? https://amzn.to/3p18DfK


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created and without advertisement and even listen live to the interviews and



Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kj-casperson/message

Feeling Broken In The Bedroom? What You Need To Know About Your Sexual Health - With Dr. Kelly

This is an interview I did with Lesley
McShane for her podcast “Redesigning Midlife” and it was just such a good
interview I asked her if I could share it again. 

Basics:  a. Menopause means it’s been one year and one day since your last
period. b. The average age of menopause is around 51. and c. for ten years
prior to menopause, women go through peri-menopause, where hormones are doing a
reverse puberty.

A lot of women stop or have pain during penetrative intercourse during this
time due to a decrease in natural lubricant and collagen, but this can be
easily treated.

Even if you don't have menopause symptoms, if you are over the age of
approximately 51, you have gone through it.

The most sexually satisfied people aren’t young people, it is people in their
50s, 60s, 70s.

Great sex is not a passive thing. It’s an active process, just like someone
that is physically fit. It has to be prioritized.

Use of lube increases your success of orgasm by 70-80%. Silicone based lube is
best because you don’t absorb it like you do the water based.

There is no “how long” should I use Vaginal Estrogen cream. The use of it is
like using sunscreen or wearing a seat belt.

You don’t need a “sex drive”. We do things because they are awesome.  If
you aren’t having awesome sex, don’t wonder why you don’t desire it.

We feel entitled to a spontaneous sex drive that has been sold to us by media.
And when we don’t achieve that, we end up feeling broken.

Putting something in the vagina only leads to female orgasm 30% of the time so
special focus need to be paid to the female body. Your largest sex organ is
your brain.

Don’t sit passively by waiting for spontaneous desire to happen. Get dressed up
and go to the party even if you don’t think you want to. Chances are you’ll
have a good time once you get there.

Control of stress and cortisol levels in our bodies will help us desire more

If there is a desire mis-match in your relationship, normalize it by talking
about it.

Communication with our partner about menopausal symptoms and what we are going
through is important to our relationship.

Get educated on hormone replacement therapy as an option. When women start
thinking about how they want to live as they get older and get educated, then
they see how beneficial HRT could be for them.

Women between the age of 50-60 that are on hormone therapy live 3-4 years
longer than women in the same age group not on hormone therapy.

For our young adult children that are starting their own sexual lives, the
biggest thing they need to know from the start is about consent.

They need to be aware of is orgasmic equality.

19.We have to educate our girls that pleasure is for everybody.

 Lesley McShane's podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/redesigning-midlife-workout-motivation-over-50-weight/id1549596974

Did you get the You Are Not Broken Book Yet? https://amzn.to/3p18DfK


Join my membership to get these episodes ASAP when they are
created and without advertisement and even listen live to the interviews and



Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kj-casperson/message