Listen to this very deep and vulnerable conversation I had with my friend Dr. Kathy Zhang on her podcast, The Purpose Filter.
There are so many aspects to living a life of fulfillment, but what if there was one area of your life you could improve that would spill over into all others?
Sounds like a bit of a life hack. Well, it is, and we want to share it with you on today’s episode.
Is your sex life fulfilling, or are you just going through the motions?
The empowerment you get from knowing what you want in the bedroom and being able to speak up and ask for it, or the ability to say no, when no means no, is a crucial element to all aspects of your life.
If you can stand up for yourself in these very vulnerable and intimate situations, the empowerment that happens outside of the bedroom will come naturally.
This all starts with you and your willingness to make a decision to uplevel your life and stop living on autopilot.
“Should we care about the people who are sleeping with the people we are giving Viagra to?”
“My husband died so now I need to take care of myself”.
“It is easy to be average”
“She just wants the damn thing to end – which is another reason that women fake orgasm”
On faking orgasms - “He thinks it is the end of the party and you were never at the party.”
“You can’t just give somebody desire. It is an inside job”
“I think working on your sex life is the final frontier of personal growth.”
“Everything you do to have a better sex life spills over to other aspects of your life”
“What if my whole purpose in life is to tell people to use vaginal estrogen cream?”
Tune in to hear how you can create more joy and abundance in your life!
Topics discussed in this episode:
• Dr. Casperson’s experience in a largely male dominated field
• What is it like becoming the first doctor in the family
• Bad advice Dr. Casperson received when she was becoming a doctor
• Giving yourself permission to step into your power
• Why your voice is important and unique
• What was Dr. Casperson’s turning point to change the way she lived her life
• Applying dying lessons now while we are living
• Why women feel their pleasure and themselves are not a priority
• How to move past shame and guilt surrounding sex and beyond
• Going from being pulled along for the ride to getting into the driver seat
• How young people should re-frame purpose
• Sharing the gift of awareness and presence
Connect with Dr. Kathy Zhang on Intagram
And on her website:
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