Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee discusses how we need to get back to basics to make sure we're supporting ourselves and others in these uncertain times.

Episode Highlights

[05:01] What We Have To Be Positive About In 2021

The vaccination program rollout is something to be excited about.Amrita is also hopeful about Joe Biden’s presidency. She concentrates by minimizing peripheral noise.

[07:30] Importance of Embracing Negative Emotions 

Emotions are not binary. Negative emotions sometimes have lessons to offer.Allowing yourself to feel the moment can fill you with some hope for the future.

[14:32] How to Hold On to Positivity

Recognize that the emotions we’re feeling are different from what we experience in a pandemic-free world.Get back to basics.Think about the things you can control.

[19:14] Going Back to Basics

Determine the coping strategies that helped you.Understand that this, too, shall pass.We are all facing the same pandemic, but we experience it differently. 

[26:04] Building a Positive Mindset

Practice optimum support by communicating your love languages.Engage in positively-based psychological processes like gratitude, journaling, connecting with others, and learning.Move away from toxic things.

[42:27] Top Tips to Get Through the Next Few Weeks

Connect with yourself, and communicate it to those around you.Don’t be scared of your negative emotions.Look forward to things. 

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Podcast Links

Permission to Thrive

Sign up for the Vortex of Busyness handout

Find out about Ami's work at her website here

You Are Not A Frog Ep. 35 

You Are Not A Frog Ep. 56 

Humankind by Rutger Bregman

The Happiness Lab with Dr Laurie Santos

The 5 Love Languages by...

Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee discusses how we need to get back to basics to make sure we're supporting ourselves and others in these uncertain times.

Episode Highlights

[05:01] What We Have To Be Positive About In 2021

The vaccination program rollout is something to be excited about.Amrita is also hopeful about Joe Biden’s presidency. She concentrates by minimizing peripheral noise.

[07:30] Importance of Embracing Negative Emotions 

Emotions are not binary. Negative emotions sometimes have lessons to offer.Allowing yourself to feel the moment can fill you with some hope for the future.

[14:32] How to Hold On to Positivity

Recognize that the emotions we’re feeling are different from what we experience in a pandemic-free world.Get back to basics.Think about the things you can control.

[19:14] Going Back to Basics

Determine the coping strategies that helped you.Understand that this, too, shall pass.We are all facing the same pandemic, but we experience it differently. 

[26:04] Building a Positive Mindset

Practice optimum support by communicating your love languages.Engage in positively-based psychological processes like gratitude, journaling, connecting with others, and learning.Move away from toxic things.

[42:27] Top Tips to Get Through the Next Few Weeks

Connect with yourself, and communicate it to those around you.Don’t be scared of your negative emotions.Look forward to things. 

Enjoyed This Podcast?

Write a review and share this with your friends.

Sign up for a FREE workbook.

Join the Shapes Collective Facebook group.

Find out more about our training here.

Email Rachel or reach her on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Podcast Links

Permission to Thrive

Sign up for the Vortex of Busyness handout

Find out about Ami's work at her website here

You Are Not A Frog Ep. 35 

You Are Not A Frog Ep. 56 

Humankind by Rutger Bregman

The Happiness Lab with Dr Laurie Santos

The 5 Love Languages by Dr Gary Chapman

Five ways to wellbeing by the New Economics Foundation 

BBC One - The Truth About..., Boosting Your Immune System 

Connect with Amrita on Twitter,

Mentioned in this episode:

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