This Episode of YOU Are Good Enough! Get ready to take some NOTES. We are going to OPTIMIZE OUR LIVES. At this time in our world, many of us may notice that we have more time on our hands. This for some can be scary, and we may be resorting to feeding our attachments and lower-vibe habits, instead of feeling/seeing like this time, is an opportunity to live happier, healthier, and to feel more empowered in life.

Wherever you are on your journey right now, join me in discussing the many ways to improve our quality of life, love ourselves even more, and grow our Mind, Body, and Spirits as best we can right NOW. Who's ready for some real talk, and real living?

In this Episode, we will cover:
1. Cutting out all things that do not serve us
2. Ways to keep up our health
3. Putting our focus on our 'Inner World'
4. FIRST: Believe you can do this, because YOU can!(your mind is only limiting factor)
5. What is authentically feeling good? (long-term vs short-term feeling good)
6. A Healthy Mind
7. POSITIVE self talk
8. Empowering Mindsets *To Adopt*
9. A Healthy Body
10. Higher Vibration Eating
11. The power of Journaling and Writing
12. A Healthy Spirit
13. What did you used to love that you haven't had time to do?
14. Making a daily practice to spend time ALONE
15. Boundaries and Visualization Practice
16. We are the CEO's of our lives-We Are IN CHARGE

If you want weekly exercises/practices you can do to optimize your life, and have a healthier Mind, Body and Spirit, join the Empowering You Community on Facebook!

I hope this is helpful for you all in one way or another! Thanks for listening, and as always...

Here's To YOU!
