
Do you ever worry about the decisions your kids make? Ever?? I know it's a rarity (😉)...

But I want to help us in this episode, release our attachment and decrease our stress related to the decisions our kids make in their lives 🐣😬

So, take a deep breathe…🌬

And then take another….

So often (or all the time) we want everything to be PERFECT for our children. To be safe, to be meaningful, educational, helping them in the long run, to be beneficial in every way, etc. 🙏

But these wants of ours can become roadblocks for their development and life experience 😕

Our children are the next generation and NEW creators of Earth. They are here to cocreate a better planet and way of living for all life🌟🌎 And though we never mean to, it is our fears and programming from our childhood caregivers that can hold them back from tapping into their full potential.

Join me in this very special episode, to talk about:

✨How we hold our children back
✨The NEW parenting paradigm
✨Our children as the co-creators of the new world
✨Listening to our children, and understanding their needs and desires on a deeper level
✨How to hold loving space for them to learn, grow and pave their own way
✨What to do if you are parenting much younger children who need us to be decision makers and have a bigger influence
✨Perspectives that helped me to release my attachment and let my children create on their own
✨What do we do when our child asks for space or doesn’t want to take our advice
✨The work for the parent and what’s necessary for all involved to be happy in the parent-child relationship!

My intention for this podcast is to help you parents out there heal and release some of the pain that still comes up for you from childhood, so you and your child can be happier, and more free co-creators in our world 😇🙌✨

Here’s to you parents and thank you for listening!🎙

Kimberley 💜