Taking time off from work is good for us. It gives us an opportunity to reset and we return more creative and productive.

However, according to a study by Tots 4 Travel, it takes people, on average 46 hours and 42 minutes to feel relaxed on holiday. If you’ve taken a week off work that means it’s taking you more than 25% of your time to unwind and feel relaxed.

Today I am going to share with you 5 tips to help you to reduce that timeframe so that you can unwind, slip into relaxation mode and switch off from work.

About Nicola Semple

I help people to build their career confidence and achieve their career goals.

You can book a free no-obligation chat about how I can support you to achieve your career goals: https://nicolasemple.com/chat

You can get my free guide "Back Yourself: Your 7 Step Plan to Build Confidence and Achieve Your Career Goals": https://nicolasemple.com/backyourself

Connect with me on Linked In to carry on the conversation: https://linkedin.com/in/iamnicolasemple

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