Does any of this sound familiar?

You believe that others have an inflated view of your skills and that you’ve got where you are by fooling other people. You have an intense fear of being found out and that people will realise that you're not as good at your job as they think you are. Attributing success to factors outside of your own talents and say things like “we were lucky things went so smoothly” or “it was good timing”.

If so, you need to listen to this week's episode of The Career Confidence Podcast where I share:

That Imposter Syndrome is more common than you might think.

The key to unlocking those imposter feelings.

Strategies to help you get your imposter feelings under control. 


About Nicola Semple

I help people to build their career confidence and achieve their career goals.

You can book a free no-obligation chat about how I can support you to achieve your career goals:

You can get my free guide "Back Yourself: Your 7 Step Plan to Build Confidence and Achieve Your Career Goals":

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