Laurie Pascoe practiced law for 40 years while writing more than 50 law articles and working with countless clients. Laurie’s current passion is inspiring lawyers to innovate their law practices with legal service applications. In this episode, Laurie explains the value of thinking like a client and learning to analyze everything.

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Lawrence “Laurie” Pascoe wanted to be a dentist for a long time. His family was full of doctors, dentists, and nurses, so working in medicine seemed like a natural fit for Laurie until Laurie took a business course in undergraduate school, where he became deeply interested in how the law touched every aspect of life. 

Why Law School?

Laurie Pascoe attended the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. After living in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and meeting his wife, Laurie moved to Ottawa with plans to move back to Halifax, but “the rest is history.” Laurie and a law school classmate opened a law firm in Ottawa and thrived in their legal profession for 40 years.

When a client works with Laurie, they will ‘Discover the Pascoe Way,’ which was the slogan of Laurie’s law firm. Lawyers frequently communicate with clients and focus on the three most important periods of working with a client:

Before the client signs a retainer,During the attorney-client relationship, andAfter services are completed. 

How to Think Like a Client
There is no time when a client’s opinion or experience should not be sought out or considered. From finding out where the client found Laurie (15-25% of Laurie’s clients found him from the website) or determining what Laurie could do to improve his legal services.

Laurie believes that the best lawyers know the “think like a client.” Laurie continues to explain that clients do not care about fancy offices or the famous pictures on the walls, except to wonder if they are paying for those furnishings. Clients are concerned with results; anything else is added for the lawyer’s benefit.

Lawyers have Cool Interests 

Laurie Pascoe is the author of Innovative Legal Services Applications: A Guide to Improved Client Services. Laurie defines legal service applications as any physical item or file that helps you better serve the client. Multiple computer monitors, manuals, receiving client feedback, etc., is a legal service application. The benefits of legal service applications began as marketing tools.  

Laurie Pascoe is licensed to practice law in Canada. Buy a copy of Laurie’s book: Use code ILSAGICS23 to save 25% off the purchase of the book. 

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You Are A Lawyer is hosted by Kyla Denanyoh. Follow the podcast:





Notes and Links
Buy a copy of Laurie’s book, Innovative Legal Service Applications here:

Use code ILSAGICS23 to save 25% off the purchase of the book

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Review Kyla’s favorite books here:

Advertiser: Journey and Practice offers The Heart-Centered Lawyers Membership, a community of law students, grads, and lawyers who participate in self-care activities to improve their legal journey and practice. Visit and enroll with code "podcast" for a special rate.


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