How Digital Media Impacts Lawyers
Technology in political campaigns has become essential in today's digital age. With the rise of social media and digital marketing, campaigns can reach a wider audience and engage with voters innovatively. This has become even more crucial in light of the current global pandemic, where traditional campaign methods such as door-to-door canvassing and in-person events are no longer feasible.

Yladrea worked as the Deputy National Training Director for the 2020 Tom Steyer Presidential Campaign, where she trained campaign staff to organize and activate communities.  Currently working with DigiDems, Yladrea focuses on finding innovative ways to include technology in political campaigns, as the current pandemic means that we must look beyond phone banking and physically knocking on doors to reach voters.

One of the key roles of technology in political campaigns is in mobilizing and organizing supporters. Campaign tech specialists, like those at DigiDems, are vital in utilizing digital platforms to connect with voters and spread the campaign's message. Through social media, digital marketing, and the development of apps and websites, campaigns can reach a broader audience and engage voters more personally.

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What is Campaign Tech?
During the episode, Yladrea emphasizes the importance of managing tech support in political campaigns, particularly in the current era of self-quarantine, where physical mobilization and traditional campaign strategies are limited. Technology becomes crucial for reaching and engaging voters.

Yladrea Drummond explains that campaigns typically utilize "campaign tech" or campaign technology, encompassing various digital tools and strategies. She highlights the significance of social media and digital marketing in reaching diverse nationwide voters. Additionally, she mentions the potential of developing apps and utilizing databases to enhance campaign efforts.

One of the main takeaways from the podcast is the importance of analytical thinking in the legal profession. Yladrea often mentions that her employers valued her analytical skills, as she was able to rationalize and strategize campaign decisions. This highlights the significance of critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the legal field. Law school teaches students how to analyze complex situations and make informed decisions, which can be invaluable in a career.

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Furthermore, Yladrea Drummond discusses the role of campaign tech specialists in teaching others how to utilize these digital tools effectively. It is not solely about having a team of specialists but also about empowering others to become proficient in digital organizing. This perspective underscores the importance of building a strong, knowledgeable team capable of adapting to the evolving campaign landscape.

Moreover, Yladrea emphasizes the need for innovative and progressive approaches in the current political climate. She stresses the importance of functioning digitally and finding new ways to reach voters, especially if self-quarantine measures persist. She explains that the reliance on digital platforms and tools will likely increase, and campaigns must be prepared to adapt and innovate.

Overall, the episode highlights the critical role of managing tech support in campaigns, particularly during times of self-quarantine. It underscores the significance of social media, digital marketing, and technical tools in reaching and engaging voters. The episode also emphasizes the importance of building a knowledgeable and adaptable team to navigate the changing campaign landscape.

As of August 2023, Yladrea Drummond is licensed to practice law in Maryland and Texas.

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