Brandi Mowles teaches entrepreneurs to organize their businesses and streamline their onboarding processes to ensure that clients are impressed, retained, and know what to expect. Whether you manage a podcast, YouTube channel, or virtual assistant company, Brandi Mowles has trainings to get your books in order. 

Brandi Mowles transitioned from working in sales to founding a multi-million dollar business. She uses her experiences and knowledge to mentor other business owners and assist them in stabilizing their businesses. 

What Can You Do With a Law Degree? 

Brandi Mowles explains that law school instructed her on owning a business, business formation, and contracts. But everything about scaling businesses and running a million-dollar business was learned through hard work and mistakes. 

Lawyer Side Hustles

Brandi Mowles created Serve Scale Soar, an education and marketing business to assist other entrepreneurs in succeeding. Early in her career, Brandi tried to find ways to earn money while staying home with her daughter. Branid tried Pinterest ads but didn't stick with them. Brandi looked at blogging, but that didn't last.

Side Hustle Turned Main Hustle
Slowly Brandi started running Facebook ads and found great success with them. The confidence from being successful with Facebook led Brandi to look at Instagram ads. Soon, Brandi's ad strategy business made more than $400,000 yearly, AND Brandi was enjoying the work. Most fascinating is that Brandi used her experience to train others to scale their businesses. 

Brandi Mowles hosts the podcast, Serve Scale Soar, where Brandi makes it easy for freelancers and business owners to scale their businesses. The one thing that freelancers need is more time to research, find, and decide what information is valuable or useless for their business. Brandi Mowles shares information, systems, marketing, and how to choose a client. These lessons are mandatory listening and will inspire any freelancer or entrepreneur to tune in. 

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Brandi Mowles is not licensed to practice law. Learn more about Brandi Mowles:


Watch Brandi Mowles discuss Serve Scale Soar:

Listen to Serve Scale Soar with Brandi Mowles on Apple Podcasts and Spotify

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​​Why I Withdrew from the Bar Exam After Being Bullied into Retaking It featuring Kate Dwyer

Superwoman is a Myth! Why Asking for Help Made Me a Better Lawyer featuring Krista Lynn

How Energy Affects Your Work Performance As A Lawyer featuring Emily Hirsekorn