Exciting news! The You Are Lawyer podcast celebrates 13,000 downloads! 🎉 Join host Kyla Denanyoh as she shares her gratitude and reflects on the podcast's growth in this BONUS episode.

On You Are Lawyer, Kyla highlights the humanity of lawyers and loves to discuss every lawyer's fun, quirky, and unique background. As she celebrates over 100 lawyers interviewed, Kyla is also excited about the consistent growth of the podcast. 

The podcast provides a platform for lawyers to share their unique stories, both within and outside the legal world. Through these interviews, listeners gain insights into the legal profession and find inspiration in lawyers' diverse paths.

You Are A Lawyer has garnered a loyal following, as evidenced by the numerous five-star reviews it has received. Reviewers praise Kyla's energetic and compassionate hosting style, which brings out fascinating and intriguing tidbits from her guests. The conversations are described as appointment listening, capturing the attention and interest of the audience.

The podcast also fosters a sense of connection among its listeners, as they can hear from lawyers they may know personally. This adds a layer of familiarity and relatability to the conversations, making them even more engaging.

Are you a business owner who wants a podcast? Skip the boring stuff and hire KD Creative to manage and publish your podcast. Get into the ears of your ideal customer with podcasting. Visit skiptheboringstuff.com to work with KD Creative.

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